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Get to know lightfoot...  
Full Name Christopher Lightfoot
Nickname lightfoot 
State/Province, Country South Yorkshire   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Current Occupation
Job Title Freelance Software Developer 
Job Description Software Development 
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Member Since 7/31/2006 11:57:54 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Programming Agents Just throwing some ideas around: [Programming Agents] Please comment.  
Posted August 23, 2007 4:05:20 AM
Reusable level components Let me start this by saying; I hate redundancy. When designing and building levels for games; I often find myself revisiting certain sections as the idea expands, and spend lots of time updating that idea in all the areas that it appeared. Thi... 
Posted August 8, 2007 7:30:34 AM
Reusable level components Let me start this by saying; I hate redundancy. When designing and building levels for games; I often find myself revisiting certain sections as the idea expands, and spend lots of time updating that idea in all the areas that it appeared. Things... 
Posted August 8, 2007 7:29:32 AM
Hardware scaling Hi, I'm writing a couple of games that I want to keep a very retro feel - therefore I'm using a nice SVGA resolution of 320x240... however, on todays monitors this looks awful. At the minute I'm setting up OpenGL to have a viewport of 640x... 
Posted July 27, 2007 5:43:41 AM
Water Shifter Alpha Here's a little game that's been in development for a number of years now! I started the first implementation back in 2002 for one of the Allegro Speed Hack competitions. Since then I've re-wrote numerous versions of the particle engine and t... 
Posted July 20, 2007 10:44:44 AM
C++ includes Hey, I know this probably isn't related too much to gaming but I was wondering how people lay out their include files, especially when using inheritance and lots of dependant classes. I've been using my own methods that work for a long time, bu... 
Posted July 20, 2007 11:45:32 AM
Water Shifter Update Heya peeps. Did some further work on my water shifter game last night. Moved all the graphics over to OpenGL now - so it runs a lot smoother, and also re-wrote nearly 90% of the entire code - I'm also working towards making it feel more like... 
Posted July 20, 2007 3:27:59 AM
Looking for a new job. Hi, I dunno how productive this will be - but I'm looking for a new Job. I've posted around the usual boards and sites - but wanted to see what kind of response I got from here. ... 
Posted July 9, 2007 6:18:22 AM
MyRPG announcement Okay, theese things are probably more fun when I'm actually releasing something to play with - but once again, just some notes right about the project and a taste of things to come. Comments are welcome... 
Posted July 9, 2007 5:55:34 AM
Mine Project Details Released. I've been working on the specs for a game for nearly a year and I've posted on here a number of times for help on getting it off of the ground (I've also been working on lots of other stuff - but I'll cover that another time). ... 
Posted July 6, 2007 1:49:54 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Dungeon of Peril Great way to get people interested in your game; Tell them its not finished, then tell them you're going to abadon in anyway... 
Posted November 27, 2008 3:27:54 PM
Moving object with buttons One solution; Not entirely sure if its the best one... Basically you have a "state" object that keeps a value of which direction you're going. You only have 1 mouse point so you can only click one button at a time so this val... 
Posted November 27, 2008 3:25:19 PM
Ideal language for 2D programming I would say flash is a good start; I've done lots of work with SDL, SFML, Allegro, and many other libraries but they all require a bit of work to get going. You also have to consider setting up a build environment for C/C++. If you don't mind AS3... 
Posted November 27, 2008 3:19:24 PM
Hardware scaling Cool. Thank you. I've not experimented with shaders yet. Looks really simple. Cheers.  
Posted July 27, 2007 6:34:17 AM
C++ includes Wow, lots of response. For the past year, I've stuck with a simple "common.h" header that is included in each and every .cpp. The common.h defines the order of the other headers and ensures every time a class is defined it gets added in the corr... 
Posted July 23, 2007 7:12:06 AM
Water Shifter Alpha zeeli, Yeh I noticed that myself. They seems to be lots of the basic ones around that don't have any real purpose. Unfortunately, although the original version of this game (for speed hack) did have a purpose of sorts - it probably wasn't tha... 
Posted July 23, 2007 6:26:39 AM
Water Shifter Alpha ahayweh, where were the "Pyro sims" ?? Any links?? :-p Cheers, Chris  
Posted July 23, 2007 6:24:32 AM
Water Shifter Alpha Lol, CPS = Cycles per second... cups per second?? lol. Its actually that multiplied by 8 as the water simulations runs 8 times per frame (I just have the CPS counter on the outside of the sim routines). Running without rendering, the system c... 
Posted July 23, 2007 6:02:11 AM
OpenGL Worms-style rendering Would I be right in thinking that writing to alpha channels is a lot faster than updating the whole pixel? - I guess updating a single byte is better than 3 (although in the 32bit would, updating a long is prolly faster than a single byte... bleh,... 
Posted June 28, 2007 3:13:45 AM
OpenGL Worms-style rendering The maps may be pretty huge, I was aiming for 2-3 screens of 640x480 and then 2 screens of 640x480 either side at the top to create a T-shape. (this may end up being 320x240 or somewhere in-between depending on the performance hit) The game... 
Posted June 27, 2007 5:19:38 AM
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