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Member Since 4/8/2004 4:57:22 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Basics of 2d vector style graphics. (C#, SlimDX) First off let me state that I'm using SlimDX and C# and want to make a 2D renderer that has a look similar to Geometry Wars ie colorful vector graphics. But I'm not actually making a game that's anything like GW, it's just the look of it I like. I... 
Posted February 18, 2010 1:43:48 PM
The basics...(please move) First off let me state that I'm using SlimDX and C# and want to make a 2D renderer that has a look similar to Geometry Wars ie colorful vector graphics. But I'm not actually making a game that's anything like GW, it's just the look of it I like. I... 
Posted February 9, 2010 9:53:52 AM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. I'm trying to sort a DataGrid,(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid), and its throwing an null reference exception when I retrieve the the bound DataView and try to set its .Sort property. Some code excerpts. Definition of my Datagrid outside of... 
Posted February 1, 2010 11:09:20 AM
Can't add Rows to DataTable. Need some help. I'm trying to add DataRows into a DataTable but it's just not letting me. I have this function, RowListToTableArray, which works fine when I call it one place where the Rows are clearly part off another table. I import them using the ImportRo... 
Posted January 22, 2010 12:04:59 PM
DataTable.Select () Expression format? Does anyone know how to format the expression string that you pass to System.Data.DataTable.Select(string); Here is a sample of my data(represented in CSV format here only for convenient posting ) Affiliated Base License Number,License Num... 
Posted January 11, 2010 12:14:23 PM
Assignment to DataRow.ItemArray[] not taking (C#) For some reason all the assignments to row.ItemArray[] are not taking. If I step through and inspect the data on the right side of the assignment it clearly has valid data yet it doesn't copy over to the left side. No errors and no thrown exc... 
Posted January 14, 2010 12:09:02 PM
Load .net DataTable to Javascript frontend I have a C# app running under that loads and organize data from several different data-sources(SQL and XLS). and stores them in a System.Data.DataTable object. This is done server side. I want to send these tables to the clients browser an... 
Posted January 13, 2010 4:33:02 PM
Critique my dynamic sound generating program [C#] These classes are used to dynamically create sound on the fly. It works like this. There is a system of "modules" that link together to create sound. Each module is an object that does some function to the sound. Modules can take the value of a... 
Posted January 3, 2010 1:00:38 AM
Read / Write XLS library? Preferably .net Does anyone know of a free library to read and write XLS files? That I can use from .net languages? I was using SmartXLS but I didn't realize it was only a trial and now I have a hand full of apps that are going to br... 
Posted December 29, 2009 9:13:28 AM
DSP- Pink Noise Generation I need some help here. Can any one explain how to generate pink noise programmaticaly? Most of the resources on the web explain it in a more math orientated approach. I have this here for white noise which is very simple. pub... 
Posted December 13, 2009 4:04:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Basics of 2d vector style graphics. (C#, SlimDX) Bump... 
Posted February 26, 2010 4:07:50 PM
The basics...(please move) Could a moderator move this to the DirectX section please. Thanks. 
Posted February 16, 2010 9:23:33 AM
Warping spread effect Another way to do it would to have a mesh of particles that you render your texture to. Each particle would have a texture cord attached to it. You a little bit of simple physics to push those particles away from the object. You could also have them... 
Posted February 9, 2010 7:10:34 PM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. Grrr.... I knew there was a reason I hated web development.... This is still a no go. I set up my application to run inside VS and it works exactly as it did on the server now, just copied all the files and what not, however I still have the... 
Posted February 8, 2010 11:46:49 AM
Find Date 6 Weeks from Now (Win32 ?) Figure out what ever unit your system is using to represent time. Do some math to see how many of them are need to add up to 6 weeks. (42 days)=(1008 hours)=(60480 min)=(3628800 seconds) Then just add that amount to the current time. 
Posted February 6, 2010 9:47:25 PM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. Quote:Original post by Telastyn Open visual studio, make new project, select ASP.NET web application (might be under 'web' tab). That will create a pre-populated little site that you can edit and otherwise make code for. Then it's just a matter of b... 
Posted February 5, 2010 11:37:09 AM
C++ design question Ftn has is on the right track. In a game I did once all things in the world are derived from a base class called entity. To create an attack an my enemies or player class, which were both entities themselves, would create a new projec... 
Posted February 5, 2010 3:31:56 AM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. Quote:Original post by Telastyn Quote:Original post by Grain Quote:Original post by Telastyn Just click on the left, like you'd do anywhere. I've not done tons of webdev, so ymmv. Regardless, I meant a breakpoint in the Sort_Grid method in th... 
Posted February 5, 2010 3:12:31 AM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. Quote:Original post by Moe I'm not sure how it works with ASP.Net (I'll find out soon enough - I'm doing a bit on my own with it now), but you might want to try turning on 'Break on all Exceptions' (Debug->Exceptions->and check... 
Posted February 4, 2010 9:41:41 PM
Works in compiled C# but not in script. Quote:Original post by Telastyn Just click on the left, like you'd do anywhere. I've not done tons of webdev, so ymmv. Regardless, I meant a breakpoint in the Sort_Grid method in the second code block above. That looks to be an independent clas... 
Posted February 4, 2010 9:29:31 PM
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