Some recent topics started on our forums |
DooM.Net is an attempt to create a version of DooM around the .Net platform. The project uses C# along with Managed DirectX 1.1.
Levels display well right now except for a few walls where the textures vertical alignment is wrong. Animated floors/... |
Posted June 4, 2006 3:57:28 PM
[solved] Volume texture won't render
Hello, I'm working on an OpenGL project and am attemping to use a volume texture as a texture atlas. The problem is that when I try to test it by rendering one of the slices, I just get a white square. I know that the data in the atlas is c... |
Posted April 21, 2010 1:31:51 PM
[Win32] Alternative to SendInput for virtual key-presses
I want another program of mine to send "virtual" key press to another(an SDL program to be specific). I've been able to get SendInput to work, but it seems like a horrible hack. I'd like something that doesn't require the window be in focus, because... |
Posted January 6, 2010 6:29:05 PM
[solved](software rendering) Y axis flipped
Hi, I have a very simple problem with my software rasterizer that I think is realted to faulty matrix math. Basically the Y axis is flipped, negative is "up" and positive is "down". This is with the model view matrix set as identity.
Here is my ma... |
Posted September 12, 2009 9:55:50 AM
[solved] Translation matrix, Z axis doesn't work
EDIT: Nevermind, it was just a problem with my matrix multiplication function.
Hello, I'm working on my own 3D software rasterizer and am having a problem with matrices. I can move vertices on the X and Y axis using translation, but when... |
Posted February 5, 2009 8:50:33 AM
C# problem with Xml Serialization
Hi, I'm working on a project that requires storing and restoring settings from an Xml file. Unfortunately it seems .NET's XmlSerializer only likes fully public members, because everytime I use private, protected or internal, either it doesn... |
Posted October 11, 2008 6:38:03 PM
C#, array of events?
Hi, basically the problem is that I need to create an array of events and the syntax is giving me some trouble. At first I tried this:
private event RegisterValueChangedDelegate[] ValueChangedArray = new RegisterValueChangedDelegate[256];
The c... |
Posted August 21, 2008 6:00:06 PM
[XNA] How the hell do I load anything?
Alright Mr.Google isn't helping so I have to turn to GameDev and ask what is probably the most embarrassingly easy question ever(I searched GD as well, nothing).
All I want to do is load a texture named Test.bmp, yeah that's it. I've tried Conten... |
Posted April 5, 2008 9:55:02 AM
[SlimDX] Can't write to textures after switching to November version
For the past several months I've been using an older version of SlimDX(for the Sept. SDK) for my GameBoy emulator. Now I'm trying to add sound to it and therefore needed DirectSound support, so I downloaded the lastest version of SlimDX. The problem... |
Posted March 5, 2008 9:36:58 PM
Is there anyway to inherit from Drawing.Image?
I'm trying to create a new Image class to handle DDS files similar to Drawing.Bitmap, so something people can just assign to PictureBox.Image or whatever. The problem is that the fuckers guys at MS made the Drawing.Image constructors all inte... |
Posted December 23, 2007 9:59:42 AM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
[solved] Volume texture won't render
Thanks, problem was that building the texture resets the filter states. |
Posted April 21, 2010 4:15:05 PM
How do I obtain the size for one pixel?
Why exactly do you need this information? I ask because usually the people asking your question don't know about orthographic projection and foolishly try to do 2D in perspective. |
Posted January 13, 2010 9:00:08 AM
[C] Question - realloc
Quote:Original post by jmpeer
I tried malloc, but it didn't make a difference in this case.
Oh I bet it did since bensmith87 is correct. There's a reason it's called "re-allocate", you need to allocate first.
Quote:Original post by jmpeer
No... |
Posted January 8, 2010 6:55:30 PM
PixelToaster in Haskell
HSDL, is a Haskell wrapper for SDL. |
Posted December 1, 2009 9:07:28 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about Pirates!. |
Posted November 23, 2009 6:01:05 PM
Doom Graphics Programming
http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_rendering_engine |
Posted November 21, 2009 7:12:36 PM
function pointers and functions with various arguments (C)
You could create a union that contains both types of function pointers.
If you want to be truly evil you can cast the functions address to a void pointer and then cast it back to the correct type when you want to call it, but beware the evil invol... |
Posted November 7, 2009 7:17:20 AM
dieing in drscheme
stonemetals approach could also work for question 1.
1. Create a function to test if an integer is even and positive.
2. Filter the list.
3. If the resulting list is empty, return false. Otherwise find the highest integer in it. |
Posted October 26, 2009 8:47:08 PM
How long does it take to count votes in Australia?
Quote:Original post by ManaStone
they just use a pencil to mark the ballots so they would have to be counted by hand
Not necessarily. Here in Canada ballets are also marked in pencil, but they are machine counted. Results are usually available &#... |
Posted October 15, 2009 10:39:07 PM
[solved](software rendering) Y axis flipped
That's not it. If I check the projected Y values, they are wrong, and that's before anything is drawn. There's something wrong with either spMultMatrixVertex, spPerspective or spProject. |
Posted September 13, 2009 6:22:13 PM
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