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Full Name Travis Berthelot
Nickname allbinary 
State/Province, Country TX   United States
GD Gathering City Lewisville, TX, United States
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Member Since 9/28/2007 11:41:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mini Space Wars - J2ME Mobile Game Mini Space Wars - J2ME Mobile Game Play It Here: Play It Here: Genre: Retro Arcade Updates for this version: Power Ups/Weapons Pickup - lives, health, mines, radial blast,... 
Posted October 29, 2007 11:35:51 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Mini Space Wars - J2ME Mobile Game My code checks for screen size at runtime. So whether the screen is 128 X 80 or 1600 X 1200 the game will still be playable. I ran a old version on my old LG 5350 before adding the new features and it ran okay. Most new phones are 20 times... 
Posted October 31, 2007 3:40:06 PM
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