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Get to know Cygon...  
Full Name Markus Ewald
Nickname Cygon 
State/Province, Country Hessen   Germany
GD Gathering City Sachsenberg, Hessen, Germany
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ICQ ID 4389513 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Jack of all trades 
Job Description One man army for everything 
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Member Since 10/13/1999 1:00:00 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Call internal Method on a structure Hi! I'm trying to call an internal method in a structure - but without generating any garbage. The internal method modifies the structure, so I want to avoid copying the structure around. The problem is that I've got zero experience with MSIL a... 
Posted November 19, 2010 1:00:01 PM
Attachment Points on Animated Models I'm currently into my first attempt of rigging and animating some models. Assuming I had a tank with a 12-tube rocket launcher and wanted to depict the rockets actually launching out of the tubes, is there a common way to mark the locations in the... 
Posted November 6, 2010 1:04:14 PM
Are optional Assemblies possible? Is it possible to compile a project with an optional assembly reference? For example, assume an assembly referenced nunit.framework.dll for its unit tests. During normal usage of the assembly, the unit tests (and thereby all code that accesses nun... 
Posted August 20, 2010 7:51:07 PM
Matching DirectInput devices to XINPUT devices In my XNA game, I'm naturally using XNA's GamePad class, which is based on XINPUT (in other words, only supports XBox 360 controllers). Because I want to allow PC players to use standard PC joysticks and game pads, too, I'm using DirectI... 
Posted August 20, 2010 6:14:09 PM
Algorithm for GUI Focus Change with Cursor Keys I'm designing a GUI system where the user should be able to navigate controls using the cursor keys or his game pad. Try this in Windows: Select an icon on your desktop. Now use the cursor keys to change between icons. The focus will change... 
Posted November 16, 2009 8:36:45 AM
Good, Cheap RAID-1 Controllers? After the death of my last hard drive (which cost me not my work, but my Risen savegame -- and I was in chapter 4 already -- for crying out loud!), I now upgraded to an Intel X25-M SSD for my OS partition and two normal hard drives in RAID-1 for my g... 
Posted November 2, 2009 1:25:50 PM
Fake Search Engine Bills I just received one of those spam emails designed to look like a bill, warning me that my search engine submission will run out if I don't pay $79 within a few days and that it will "make it difficult for your customers to locate you on the... 
Posted September 15, 2009 3:51:48 AM
Nuclex Framework on CodePlex Nuclex Framework on CodePlexPosted by: Nuclex at September 21, 2009 8:00:06 AMNuclex has finally released their library of .NET game programming components on CodePlex. CodePlex: Nuclex Framework The Nuclex Framework consists of well-desig... 
Posted September 21, 2009 8:00:06 AM
Continuous Integration and XNA Hi! I've been working on an XNA indie game for some time now, using TeamCity as a continuous integration server. (For those not in the know, a continuous integration server monitors your source code repository (eg. subversion) and automati... 
Posted January 31, 2009 3:11:13 PM
Perpendicular Vector Calculation I'm looking for a trick to build a 3x3 matrix from a single forward-pointing vector, similar to what your typical LookAt() function does, only that I need numerical stability and don't care about the orientation of the right and up vectors, as l... 
Posted December 17, 2008 2:30:14 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
C++'s floats not very good? Quote:Original post by Ravyne [...] I'm not sure of the exact difference, but I'd wager its 10s of orders of magnitude larger than the difference between the smallest representable numbers. [...] If you want a showpiece for that, assign 20,000,00... 
Posted December 8, 2010 7:54:53 AM
Visual Studio 2010: Opinions? I have used VS 2010 since the CTPs and Beta. Never had a single crash so far and I'm stressing it each day for at least 8 hours :) I am only using Visual C# 2010 Express and Visual C++ 2010 Express, though, never had enough cash for the full... 
Posted December 4, 2010 5:49:59 PM
"Dynamic" skybox - Anyone tried this? There are a lot of games that use "impostors" for far-away geometry, but for individual objects, not for a whole side of the scene. Earlier games often used offline-generated impostors (for example, Gothic 1 rendered only the closest trees if... 
Posted November 28, 2010 10:29:55 AM
Stuxnet Quote:Original post by YoYoFreakCJ Define "funding". If by "funding" you mean the amount of time spent on it at 20$/hour, then that might be true. What else do you need funds for? Maybe memberships to gather data? Maybe some high end computers?... 
Posted November 26, 2010 1:29:52 PM
Registry issue with Visual C# - SOOO pissed [HELP ANYONE?] Would it be legally possible for you to order a Windows 7 upgrade DVD? Your product key should have been provided to your, otherwise there are applications that can recover it from a running Vista installation. Just thinking -- Win7 is rather chea... 
Posted November 6, 2010 9:04:18 PM
Cal3d Question I haven't specifically worked with Cal3D yet, but any bone-based animation system using vertex skinning will easily allow for programmatic bone positioning. As the vertices simply contain additional fields stating to which bone(s) they are bound a... 
Posted November 6, 2010 8:53:16 PM
Miner Wars - Seeking Programmers, Artists Is relocation required or does your team work over the web? What time zone are you in? 
Posted November 6, 2010 8:46:46 PM
How stupid were/are you? When I had just started learning C++, someone had asked me to create a small application that terminates any programs a PC wasn't supposed to run (at certain days, certain times of a day, etc.) I finished my task, but while everything else was sol... 
Posted October 25, 2010 5:36:15 AM
UML program. I'm using nothing but UML Sculptor. It consists of a single-file executable, only does class diagrams and is extremely simple - exactly what I want for brainstorming and to make it as painless as possible to keep my diagrams up to date. I... 
Posted October 23, 2010 9:01:54 PM
Is XNA using DirectX 10/11 yet? How do you know your engine turned into basically XNA if you don't know XNA? :) XNA is still DirectX 9.0c only and I very much doubt that this will change. The XNA devs have noted at every release that they've had to cut features, so re-imple... 
Posted October 20, 2010 9:44:14 PM
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