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State/Province, Country Cataluna   Spain
GD Gathering City Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain
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Member Since 2/28/2008 2:15:42 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mario Galaxy free clone (well sort of..) Hi, I'm doing a playable level , as a part for my portfolio.. As I'm currently doing all this work alone(yeh, again ¬_¬) and I'm an Game Designer/3D Artist, not a Programmer, I'll be glad to receive any offer for a programmer who wants to help me... 
Posted May 5, 2008 2:24:11 AM
Unpaladin This image is from UNPALADIN, a short but spectacular 3d Action Game, 'ala' Devil May Cry style and Gameplay. This game was the course' final project, during our Videogame Creation's Master Degree, at U.P.F University, one of the few ga... 
Posted April 16, 2008 1:17:12 PM
- UNPALADIN - : 3d action game... Hi! we're a little GD group living in Barcelona, SPAIN. As former students of the Game Creation Master' course at Pompeu Fabra University, we'been developing a game for about 8-10 months, as a final project of the course.. We're really pleased to... 
Posted February 28, 2008 3:18:34 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
IndieLib - Rapid Game Development Indielib is a brilliant optimized game library. Built around D3D9 for assure fastest 2D acceleration through simple plane surfaces. It uses SDL for input and sound Handling, I think... It allowed to our indie / amateur team to develope first H... 
Posted August 13, 2008 3:57:39 PM
Mario Galaxy free clone (well sort of..) Hi guys! thx for all the replies! As Borundin says, there's no shader, but just a bit of "magic" by a way of combining some textures as environment maps (or 'sphere-maps' in Blitz3d..). That link he posted reflects one way to achieve the e... 
Posted May 9, 2008 4:51:43 PM
Mario Galaxy free clone (well sort of..) I know Nintendo's ways. If they contact me, would be a great oportunity to get a job. That's what I'm looking for: to get their attention.. and.. NO. There is no shader, nor glow or SSS. The trick is all done just working with some cube-maps, as l... 
Posted May 5, 2008 10:52:00 AM
Unpaladin lo dudes! We never paid for the mocap room, partly because it's supposed to be included in the Master's price. Talkin' about bucks, it's around 5,300 € (~ 8,300 USD). It is really expensive, but for us Spaniards it's one of the few stricty of... 
Posted April 21, 2008 12:14:16 PM
Unpaladin Wow! a lot of replies! Let's see.. JazonXYZ: Ok. About the SFX (you mean sounds, right?) I had to do myself in just 2 days, so they're not as good as we wanted, but they work ok. I mixed'em from some MMO games, and the rest from free sound resourc... 
Posted April 18, 2008 8:30:50 AM
Unpaladin Hi! The tools we used: - Visual Studio 2005 Express (with the Dx9.0c August' SDK & STL Lib). It's fully C++ coded. - 3DS Max 8 - Adobe Photoshop CS2 - Particle Illusion 3 - Nvidia' DDS & Normal Map Photoshop plugins For animations, we s... 
Posted April 17, 2008 6:29:12 AM
- UNPALADIN - : 3d action game... Thanks for the comments guys, nice to meet you! I agree with you PaulCesar, our tech can't exactly be described as NEXT-GEN today, but in my country was almost impossible to learn shaders and HDR knowledge , by the time we started developing the g... 
Posted February 29, 2008 3:05:07 AM
- UNPALADIN - : 3d action game... er.. can someone help me? I want to post some img's and links to the web.. Is there any html tag system in these boards? thx 
Posted February 28, 2008 4:15:37 AM
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