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Get to know badsector...  
Full Name Kostas Michalopoulos
Nickname badsector 
State/Province, Country Samos   Greece
GD Gathering City Samos, Samos, Greece
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Member Since 5/22/2004 12:12:14 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Undead Engine "0" Preview #5 These are some screenshots from my "Undead Engine". I started this project around one and a half year ago, one or two months after i got my "new" (then) computer - although i had great gaps at the developments (i assume that the total work... 
Posted October 27, 2005 12:25:31 AM
[GFX] Get the Nikwi graphics for *any* use for free :-) Get the Nikwi graphics for free, for *any* use. Any use means that you can use them as you like, including making a new game with them, modifying them, using for your game's prototype, using for webpage graphics, screen wallpaper (?) or anything :-).... 
Posted January 17, 2007 7:23:39 AM
Graphics from the Nikwi game for free Graphics from the Nikwi game for freePosted by: Slashstone at January 17, 2007 1:14:22 PMThe graphics of the Nikwi game are released for free, for any use, including modifying them and using in your own games. The released archive contains more t... 
Posted January 17, 2007 7:14:22 AM
How to implement PVS calculation? I'm looking for information about this subject for a couple of days now and i can't find some good documentation (everyone seems to have just an "idea" or something -but i can't find an explanation of how to actually do it). In my Undead Engine, i... 
Posted July 22, 2005 7:26:58 AM
Nico Tuvla, Slashstone's first game, has been released for free :-) Nico Tuvla, Slashstone's first game has been released for free. The game was under -weak- development for around four years. It is a jump and run platformer-like game, heavylly influenced by John Romero's Dangerous Dave 1. The game contains 25... 
Posted March 21, 2005 10:22:45 AM
basic scripting language for learning purposes I wrote this little scripting language for learning purposes (not mine; to show to someone how some things can be done). The language is very basic, but it is enough for someone to get started. The code looks like: VAR A; VAR B; PRINT "(1 +... 
Posted January 4, 2005 6:51:44 AM
Whelp2 test A test application for the Whelp2 game engine is available for download from at the GameDev section. Whelp2 will be a low-cost (around $30) 3D engine for game development. Currently it supports scene rendering using a 2D... 
Posted November 15, 2004 9:25:57 AM
Why Lua and Python are so popular? I have my scripting engine - NerveBreak - available at the net for around nine months now. However, until now there are only 2-3 persons who seemed interested in it (only one uses it "frequently" - all these "stats" are from forum posts and... 
Posted September 6, 2004 6:48:07 AM
NerveBreak 0.1.5 is released NerveBreak 0.1.5 is releasedPosted by: Bad Sector at September 5, 2004 10:07:17 AMNerveBreak is an opensource scripting system (library and standalone intepreter) that uses a c-like language and a virtual machine to add scripting features to applicat... 
Posted September 5, 2004 10:07:17 AM
[ANN] Distributors and publishers list I added a secion at my site which is called "distributors and publishers list". Obviously it is a list with publishers and distributors. Anyone can add new entries and post comments about each publisher and distributor (prefferably about personal exp... 
Posted July 25, 2004 8:17:18 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Eurocom: Licensed Games Too Rushed and Buggy Heh, Chronicles of Riddick came to my mind when i read that "isn't there any exception" thing. That game was one of the best FPSs i've played. (btw is't Tigon Studios, or whatever the it's called, Vin Diesel's company?) Also, another... 
Posted September 13, 2006 10:02:35 AM
BSP collision detection I had this problem when i was writing the collision detection system in my Undead Engine, however it wasn't due to BSP... it can happen with ANY method. This hapenned to me because i was just "pushing" the camera's bounding volume towards the coll... 
Posted November 23, 2005 6:55:12 PM
Collision detection This isn't a hard task, every kind of collision detection is actually a matter of one or more intersection tests. An easy to implement way is to check if each edge (which also is a line segment) of the one triangle penetrates the other t... 
Posted November 18, 2005 3:24:07 PM
Undead Engine "0" Preview #5 @EvilMonkey: By interpolating the world coordinates at each vertex, for each lumel (lightmap texel) in the lightmap. It's almost the same as rasterizing an affine textured triangle in 2D, but instead of interpolating the UV coordinates over a triang... 
Posted November 12, 2005 4:23:18 PM
Undead Engine "0" Preview #5 Quote:This flipcode "tip" may interest you. A combination of both. Actually this is what i'm using... somehow :-).  
Posted November 2, 2005 3:29:40 PM
Undead Engine "0" Preview #5 It'll work, since i don't currently use deltas... But i'll probably modify the code to use swept spheres anyway, since i'm gonna use deltas at the future (currently i use a timer-based method which calls a callback ((currentTime - lastTime)/interv... 
Posted October 28, 2005 3:26:23 PM
Undead Engine "0" Preview #5 "Driver system" is just a fancy name for an abstract "URenderer" class with classes "UOpenGLRenderer" (or "UWhateverRenderer") derived from that :-P. This class contains everything you need to "talk" with an underlying graphics API (such as drawin... 
Posted October 27, 2005 4:52:03 PM
Indy MMORPG development, can it be done? It may sound strange, but from personal experience i would recommend you to go 3D. While it may sound hard, in the long run is better and easier when it comes to some stuff (especially if you want to add some eye candy :-)). I also recommend you t... 
Posted July 31, 2005 11:42:13 AM
Torque claims it's comparable to the Source engine ... comments? And yet, when i say that Source engine is Quake1+hires truecolor textures+hires colored lightmaps+textured particles+skinning+some basic shadowing for models (which you could see in some games since mid-1999)+some shader effects (the "wow" water is i... 
Posted July 25, 2005 8:00:38 AM
How to implement PVS calculation? No, i know what PVS is - if i gave the wrong impression, then my fault :-) My problem is that i don't know how to calculate it :-). Now i'm reading Teller's paper. It's big... actually huge, but seems good. What it describes seems to be exactly wh... 
Posted July 23, 2005 2:41:01 PM
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