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Get to know skjinedmjeet...  Banned
Full Name Devon Zachary
Nickname skjinedmjeet 
State/Province, Country Alberta   Canada
GD Gathering City Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Member Since 7/20/2002 10:13:39 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Sarasota County Will Not Hire Smokers Quote: New hires will be asked to submit to a drug test that detects nicotine and sign a pledge promising they have not smoked in the last 12 months. So the county is allowed to require someone to pledge... 
Posted May 23, 2008 7:28:15 PM
Best way to split a triangle What is the best algorithm for splitting a triangle, keeping in mind that the triangle has UV coords that must be kept perspective correct when split. Will simply interpolating the UV coordinates to the point of intersection along the edge of the pol... 
Posted March 14, 2008 1:59:10 PM
IT Worker Woes...what are we becoming?! Just so you have a general idea of the scenario I'm coming from, allow me to describe where I work and what I do. First of all, I work for the company that was the IT solution for Nazi Germany. Many of you know who that is. Essentially, my jo... 
Posted November 18, 2007 1:12:52 PM
IT decisions made by companies that should know better... I work in the support department for a well known company who provides IT to a lot of well known clients. I am not sure if they would appreciate me identifying them, but let's just say they helped with the holocaust. Here's what is bothering me: A... 
Posted August 17, 2007 7:48:56 AM
Planning a trip to China/Asia I'm currently planning a trip to China in 2010 with a friend to go see Expo, on our way there we're going to stop in at the Winter Games in Vancouver. I have done a little travelling, but I am not really sure what to expect from China. Our p... 
Posted August 1, 2007 1:01:11 PM
Roommate argument mitigation and Linux! The other night I told me roommate that computers were "damn cheap" these days. Some days later, my roommate postulated that he should purchase a computer, as he is unhappy with his current one. I postulated that considering he was only... 
Posted June 29, 2007 12:36:27 AM
Smoking and Smokers! Smoking is an enjoyable past-time. It gets you outside, makes you feel alert and calm, depending on what you smoke it can taste delicious, or taste like garbage. It also hurts your lungs and increases your chance of cancer and lung disease, make... 
Posted November 26, 2006 6:20:55 PM
Album Art + Music for DAVID SUZUKI MUST DIE Front/Back A Song (Maria Bakes Cakes) Click (4 meg zip) The album art isn't final, if you have any suggestions please be forthcoming! 
Posted August 11, 2006 2:43:26 AM
Beautiful pictures of China Click! I found these the other day when searching for new wallpaper; they're some HDR photos taken in various places in China. Many of them are breathtakingly insane. 
Posted August 4, 2006 12:11:44 AM
Need a good "Tick Tock" sample Hi! I need a sample of a grandfather clock or something like that. I've done some searching and haven't come up with something I really like. So if any of you have a clock that makes a good "tick tock" type of sound, I would be eternally grateful if... 
Posted July 21, 2006 5:09:52 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Laptop for college I have a Thinkpad T60. It's okay. As far as performance, aesthetics and usability (ergonomics and such) I am not that impressed. However, it has survived a 10ft drop, a beer spill and was accidentally thrown across the room when a drunk room mate tri... 
Posted May 30, 2008 4:11:50 PM
Life based on coincidence? I think it's naive to believe our lives are anything but pure chance. While we seem to have some measure of control, for the most part I feel that I am just conscious enough to enjoy the ride. Whatever way I choose to direct my life is inevitably goi... 
Posted May 30, 2008 2:28:16 PM
I guess I owe Java an apology Quote:Original post by MJP I tend to find that beginners and less mature C++ programmers are the ones who constantly defend it and claim to enjoy using it. On other hand if you have more than a few years experience with C++ and you've work... 
Posted May 29, 2008 3:16:31 PM
C++ FQA [sic] Lite No common alternative for games programming? Jak and Daxter was written in LISP. Not a common alternative, but still a valid one. I figure if a commercial company can use a language to make a quality game for a major console, it's an acceptable... 
Posted May 24, 2008 12:33:21 PM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Quote:Original post by mrcriminy Quote: 20 darts. Man. What the hell is a dart... Kidding. Quote: Well, it doesn't make sense. The public health outcry against tobacco products tends to neglect to mention that chew/dip/etc. is a viable met... 
Posted May 24, 2008 9:05:08 AM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Quote:Original post by mrcriminy Quote:Original post by skjinedmjeet Packs are a bit different in Canada from what I understand. 20 packs ('slimpacks') of a value brand (shitty smokes) run about $7; 25 packs run around $9. For a regular brand like... 
Posted May 24, 2008 1:02:37 AM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Quote:Original post by mrcriminy Quote:Original post by skjinedmjeet How much are cigarettes taxed in the US? Here in Canada it costs anywhere from $8-$12 a pack, and there us a tax of $5, with additional variations province to province; on to... 
Posted May 23, 2008 11:38:34 PM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. How much are cigarettes taxed in the US? Here in Canada it costs anywhere from $8-$12 a pack, and there us a tax of $5, with additional variations province to province; on top of that, provincial and federal sales taxes are charged. A pack a... 
Posted May 23, 2008 11:12:59 PM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Quote:Original post by blueEbola Quote:Original post by phantom On the other hand smoking is well known to be bad for your health, makes you smell and it's something you CHOOSE to do. Obviously, you've never tried to quit smoking. I know t... 
Posted May 23, 2008 10:37:34 PM
Sarasota County will not hire smokers. Quote:Original post by Benjamin Heath Quote:Original post by skjinedmjeet Truckers in Canada are now no longer allowed to smoke in their trucks unless they own their own. Of course, no trucker is following that rule because frankly, with the hours... 
Posted May 23, 2008 10:32:02 PM
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