Some recent topics started on our forums |
Window Positioning and Sizing (SDL)
In SDL, is there a way to determine the position of the window at initialization? Also, is there a way to have a window intialized as a maximized window while still disallowing resizing? Thanks. |
Posted February 14, 2006 12:16:09 AM
Particle Collisions with COR
I'm using the coefficient of restitution to determine the velocity of a particle after it collides with a static plane (of infinite mass). This works fine when the acceleration is zero, or when the plane is perpendicular to the particle's motion. H... |
Posted April 1, 2007 8:15:20 PM
Hiding function template declaration (C++)
In a header file, I have declared a few function templates that aid the primary function templates in the header. I would like to prevent other files from using these utility functions, as they do not belong in the public interface. Because functio... |
Posted March 28, 2007 11:09:02 PM
4d rotation of a cube
I am experimenting with rotations in 4d, and I am currently rotating a simple 3d cube in 4d. When I rotate on the ZW plane, the cube rotates exactly how I would expect it to. However, if I rotate around the XW plane, the cube seems to flatten... |
Posted March 10, 2007 9:59:46 PM
Problem with HLA in Ubuntu 6.06
I tried downloading the latest HLA for Linux, version 1.86, but instead of coming with an hla executable, it came with a redundant tar archive named hla. So, I downloaded the previous release, version 1.81, but when I run hla, it invokes neither as n... |
Posted January 28, 2007 7:41:58 PM
Strange Linker Error
When I try to build the following code from a fresh Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition project, I get the following linker error:
// Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
{... |
Posted January 8, 2007 10:11:17 PM
I have just built Boost.Python using vc8 and the project provided with the boost distribution. However, I'm now trying to compile the tutorial example, but I can't seem to do it. The tutorial was made for vc7.1, so that could be the problem. When... |
Posted January 4, 2007 1:41:03 AM
Finding the Quaternion Betwee Two Vectors
I have two 3d vectors, and I would like to find the quaternion such that v0 * q yields v1. I tried taking the cross product and the inverse cosine of the dot product and constructing a quaternion based on the axis and angle of the rotation, but... |
Posted December 21, 2006 8:10:02 PM
DirectX and MinGW
I'm trying to build a library that uses dinput with mingw. Mingw comes with the dinput libs, but it does not come with dinput.h. I found a few things around the net that have dinput.h in them, but none of them define IDirectInputDevice8, which is w... |
Posted June 12, 2006 3:40:28 PM
C++ Program Crashing on Exit (Windows XP)
Right before my program exits, it crashes and windows gives me a message saying it encountered an error, asking me if I want to send an error report to Microsoft. Does anyone know of common reasons why this would happen? |
Posted May 21, 2006 1:59:48 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums |
Particle Collisions with COR
Thanks a lot oliii for clearing all that up, I completely understand the COR now. [smile] |
Posted April 3, 2007 1:36:39 PM
Particle Collisions with COR
Understood, thanks for the explanation oliii. I have only one concern left, which is collisions sans any outside forces like gravity. With a COR of 0, a particle colliding with a slope (with 0 acceleration) should "stick" to the slope, no... |
Posted April 2, 2007 1:02:04 PM
Particle Collisions with COR
Thanks for the reply. However, I'm not quite sure how I would use these equations in my own simulation. Currently, I am using Verlet integration, and when a collision happens, I move the particle's position back to the surface of the plane, then re... |
Posted April 2, 2007 11:16:50 AM
4d rotation of a cube
Thanks a lot Vorpy. I checked out that link to see what the rotations should be looking like from that perspective, and it turns out that it was a bug in my code. I had used OpenGL's translate function, which translated the cube -5 on the z-ax... |
Posted March 14, 2007 8:08:43 PM
4d rotation of a cube
That is exactly what I am doing. From what you have said, the matrices appear to be correct (if the sines are reversed that's no big deal). I have seen other tesseract rotations in 4d, and I think the type of rotation I am getting is incorrect. Ho... |
Posted March 12, 2007 11:08:29 PM
4d rotation of a cube
I'm not familiar with gimbal lock in 4d, but I don't think it would happen with just a single isolated rotation. Can anyone with knowledge of 4d rotations verify that my matrices are correct? |
Posted March 11, 2007 9:51:19 PM
4d rotation of a cube
I understand what you mean; the cube should seem to flatten into a square as it rotates through the 4th dimension. However, the cube does not flatten, expand, and turn itself inside out like I would expect. Instead, it just stays the same width (wh... |
Posted March 11, 2007 1:24:55 AM
What does -1.#IND mean?
You should probably check that your argument to acos is in the interval [-1, 1]. Even a small amount outside this range will cause a NaN. |
Posted January 28, 2007 8:16:31 PM
What does -1.#IND mean?
This means that the variable is not a number (NaN). This could be caused by using an unitialized variable or possibly dividing by zero. |
Posted January 28, 2007 7:59:08 PM
Strange Linker Error
I don't believe there's anything for which this method is the only available option, but it can be useful if you use a lot of small functions for std algorithms that you don't want polluting the global namespace. Since std algorithms require se... |
Posted January 9, 2007 8:04:41 PM
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