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Full Name Dave P
Nickname BlackPelican 
State/Province, Country Greater London   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City London, Greater London, United Kingdom
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Job Description Game programmer 
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Member Since 11/4/2006 8:14:57 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Untitled inertia-style game I've been working on a Thrust-style inertia game for a few months now. Bit tricky fitting it in around work though. Working title is "Frustrator", inspired by the difficulty people seem to have playing it! It's using SDL (just for screen... 
Posted December 1, 2006 11:33:37 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Antialiasing in OpenGL, not all graphic cards support it, is that true? My girlfriend's laptop has the SIS 760 chipset which doesn't support antialiasing either. So my game looks crappy on her computer :( Interesting to note that the quality of antialiasing is variable too - seems better on the ATI cards... 
Posted March 26, 2007 6:47:30 AM
Untitled inertia-style game OK folks, finally there's a playable demo. A bit later than planned as my laptop died over xmas, and it took a while to sort it out. Luckily, I didn't lose anything. Anyway, you can download it (for windows) from here: 
Posted February 22, 2007 7:06:05 PM
Untitled inertia-style game Thanks again for the nice comments! Quote:Original post by stryx so please tell us about your plans because such an multiplayer game would kick ass even for only 2 players in coop. I had pretty much ruled out multiplayer. It's been desi... 
Posted December 11, 2006 5:35:35 PM
Untitled inertia-style game Quote:Original post by Ferter Maybe adding thrusters on the sides of your ship and/or moveable cannons on your ship would make piloting your ship vs bigbad overpowered bosses a bit easier - Allowing you to make them more interesting withou... 
Posted December 11, 2006 11:41:31 AM
Untitled inertia-style game Quote:Original post by cht666cht I like a lot the retro-feeling, and the glow effect is superb, can you explain how are you doing it? Thanks :) and yes. It's a basic "bloom" effect, applied to the whole screen. In this case I did it with alpha... 
Posted December 4, 2006 3:31:17 PM
verlet linear constraint w/ gravity question Quick answer to this one - don't know if it's going to necessarily help you with your problem. Gravitational force *is* dependent on the masses involved, but the acceleration produced is also proportional to the mass, and it therefore ef... 
Posted December 4, 2006 11:43:04 AM
Untitled inertia-style game Sorry folks - I have no plans to make it open source. And this may be unpopular, but ... I'm planning to make it a "modest commercial" game - sell it as a download for about 5 GBP, including around 50 levels, so hopefully giving good VFM. There... 
Posted December 3, 2006 7:38:42 AM
Untitled inertia-style game Thanks for the nice comments. It's difficult to keep the momentum going sometimes, doing everything on your own, so people saying nice things inspires me to keep going :) GentlemanHal, I was originally planning on having big bosses, but... 
Posted December 2, 2006 11:27:57 AM
Should I open my complete game for using some functions from a GPL game? Quote:Original post by niteenhatle I have created a small game and have used some functions from a similar program which is under GPL. Of course, whether you could make any money from something for which a similar program exists under GPL seems... 
Posted November 4, 2006 1:27:26 PM
Should I open my complete game for using some functions from a GPL game? There is another alternative, touched on earlier by Numsgil. Either re-write the functionality yourself, or perhaps get someone else to do it for you (depending upon specialisation of code, as mentioned). Presumably, if it was straightforw... 
Posted November 4, 2006 1:08:06 PM
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