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Nickname PennstateLion 
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GD Gathering City Gambrills, MD, United States
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Member Since 7/6/2005 2:24:01 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Debug/Release Problem Im having an issue and was hoping someone has any advice. I created a windows console application and use the WriteConsoleOutputCharacter function to draw some chars onto the screen randomly. In debug mode my program runs flawlessly and do... 
Posted September 22, 2005 1:06:02 AM
my 2nd game, Pong clone - check it out well this is my 2nd game after making my tetris clone anyway, its boring, its Pong! but please add comments if you so choose :) has some basic AI and an options menu... edit: Requires DX 9 Ponged 
Posted August 29, 2005 11:33:07 AM
My Tetris clone - give it a shot Pretty much done... gonna clean the code up a bit... but please try it out! and please give me feedback on what could change..or any bugs its my first real completed game after learning C++ its done in DirectX 9.0c so i dont know how it wi... 
Posted August 17, 2005 11:10:21 PM
Game States - game loop Hi, I am thinking about handling my game states as a base class with the specific game states (Game, Menu, Exit, Pause, etc...). inheriting from the base class. Each specific game state will have member functions that handle rendering, input, et... 
Posted August 16, 2005 10:56:56 AM
Tetris sounds anyone know of a good site to use some standard tetris sounds like rotating, and when a block collides etc.. i have the music in mind, but need some of these simple sounds... any help is appreciated thanks! 
Posted August 15, 2005 4:04:26 PM
(solved) Declaring a list or a stack Hi, Ive been trying all stinking night to get this to work. anyway, I want to actually just declare a stack but my compiler is screaming at me, so i even tried a list, same thing. I have included #include <stack> and #include <list>... 
Posted August 3, 2005 12:52:03 AM
my Tic Tac Toe code anyone want to critque it? this is really my first substantial code after beginning to learn c++.... it doesnt have a "tie" check but will be adding that soon. anyway, let me know what you think,id love to hear how i can improve it... [sour... 
Posted July 26, 2005 12:16:50 PM
Operator Overloading Hi, im currently learning operator overloading, and it does seem useful at times, but how practical is it? Is operator overloading something that I shoudl get a full grasp on?  
Posted July 24, 2005 1:32:06 PM
Array Help Im having a problem with a 2d array ttGrid[2][2] I init the int array to Zeroes but if i set the [0][2] index to a value, the value will spill over into the [1][0] index. so in the below example you can see im setting [0][2] to 9, well both th... 
Posted July 22, 2005 11:17:15 PM
whats a good *free "C" compiler need one for some quick experiments, thanks! 
Posted July 21, 2005 11:36:35 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Maximum vertex buffer size id run bench marks on specific buffers sizes and compare.. although its always gonna be different on other people's machines... 
Posted September 30, 2005 4:48:16 PM
Matrix Transformations I think it will be close to the same for 2d but you need actual rotation matrices that you will multiply the vectors with so. D3DXMATRIX xRotation; D3DXMATRIX yRotation; D3DXMATRIX zRotation; //Convert degrees to radians toRad... 
Posted September 26, 2005 10:01:44 AM
Debug/Release Problem Quote:Original post by superpig Screenshots of the relative modes might help as well. thanks for the replies, i fixed it.., was a logic error :S anyway, another issue came up where the drawing on the screen is slow, unless I open up a bro... 
Posted September 22, 2005 10:02:52 AM
Pretty pong clone done... Source and installer uploaded! Quote:Original post by silverphyre673 The hard parts were mostly involving a very, very odd bug with the collision detection where the ball would hit the bottom or top of the paddle, "roll" down the front, and then move off the screen on the... 
Posted September 19, 2005 11:11:10 PM
Online Game Development Courses and yes the courses the are excellent 
Posted September 19, 2005 8:50:16 PM
Online game courses? i believe the only way you can get credit for the courses at gameinstitute is if you taket he courses from an accredited university that has gone into agreement to use gameinstitutes courses. For example, Clemson and Marist both re-wrapped game... 
Posted September 19, 2005 8:49:16 PM
GameTutorials vs GameInstitute Quote:Original post by TommySauder K, Game Tutorials... I'm not sure how they're set up, and I've heard GameInstitute are PDF Files... Just looking to learn DX from one of these two, rather than from a book first. each course for gameinst... 
Posted September 19, 2005 8:47:00 PM
Online game courses? their directX I course is absolutely fabulous 
Posted September 19, 2005 2:46:34 PM
Anyone recommend a good up-to-date book on learning Directx? Quote:Original post by spartanx Gotta recommend "Graphics Programming with DirectX 9" from!!! Those guys rule. What makes it so great is there are lectures with audio and slides for every lesson, which makes it really easy to... 
Posted September 17, 2005 8:59:29 PM
pong game needed + source i just threw up my pong clone with source code on the GD showcase written with C++ and DirectX 9.0 Ponged 
Posted September 3, 2005 12:37:43 PM
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