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sampler2DShadow combined with sampler2D
I am having some difficulty getting a shadow map displayed on top of a normally textured object. It seems the shader just refuses to display both the texture and the shadow together despite doing either one fine. Could someone take a l... |
Posted February 20, 2009 7:14:23 AM
Test 3D Reconstruction Software!
HI All
For my final year project for my degree in Cybernetics, I have created this piece of software that reconstructs models from images using perspective. It works quite well but only in fairly limited subject matter (buildings, things with v... |
Posted April 28, 2006 8:41:35 AM
C files in MFC not happening?
Hello there
i have this problem that when i try to add a pair of .h and .c files to my MFC app i get this error "C1010 unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive". These files work in a console app. This has happened with... |
Posted January 5, 2005 10:30:17 AM
polymorph pointers
Okay, i gotta a class, i gotta subclass, and somewhere else theres this function that returns a pointer to the superclass. But maybe sometimes the thing thats getting returned is the subclass. And maybe where its getting returned to could be either.... |
Posted September 14, 2004 11:42:37 AM
CString IsEmpty incorrect
Im using fscanf to read a string into a Cstring object and although the debug window shows the string in there, both IsEmpty and GetLength functions are giving wrong results.
I have initialised the CString with .Empty() even.
Any ideas would be mu... |
Posted September 1, 2004 5:44:17 AM
MFC multiple document types
Hi there
Would anyone have any kind of rough idea as to how you might have more than one different type of document in a MDI application using MFC? Is there any support for it? like could you have different menus coming up for it and such like?... |
Posted August 25, 2004 11:55:51 AM
getting array/pointer out of function
I got a function which builds a massive buffer of data in an array. I just cant seem to get this array out of the function like either;
void function(float *data)
data = new float[lots];
data[i] = something
... |
Posted August 11, 2004 9:42:07 AM
what is "vectort3DObject pObject"?
just when i thought i'd seen it all someone always has to find a new way of writing really finickity code!
can any body tell me what the angle brackets mean in this declaration and how i might go about accessing the info contained within "pObject"... |
Posted June 28, 2004 8:54:09 PM
light position moving with player?
Just started using lighting in my 3d opengl game. Makes everything look great. Problem is the position of the light moves with the direction of the view, so the walls go light or dark depending on what direction the player is looking - no good!.... |
Posted December 11, 2003 4:30:08 PM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
sampler2DShadow combined with sampler2D
Thanks for the link. I figured it out after some pain. Needed to set the uniform sampler variables using 'glGetUniformLocationARB' after compilation of the shader program. Wasn't important for the other variables. |
Posted February 23, 2009 6:18:38 AM
Test 3D Reconstruction Software!
Cybernetics is like machines in the real world, or thats how i interpret it anyway. We do work on control systems, robotics (make these little lego robots chase each other round the floor), graphics/VR, image/signal processing, and more general... |
Posted April 28, 2006 9:20:39 AM
C files in MFC not happening?
OK yep, cheers!
Posted January 5, 2005 10:43:36 AM
CString IsEmpty incorrect
cheers anyway you -
have got me thinking along a new path! |
Posted September 1, 2004 6:12:35 AM
CString IsEmpty incorrect
Yeah im using the c function. Is that like bad play is it? Can you suggest anything else? |
Posted September 1, 2004 6:06:54 AM
getting array/pointer out of function
tis all makes perfect sense once you get it working but intricacies like that can hold one up for hours when you dont know!
(or maybe thats just me) |
Posted August 11, 2004 10:35:02 AM
getting array/pointer out of function
Nice one Kippesoep, i never seen such a combo before (&*) - works a treat! |
Posted August 11, 2004 10:05:01 AM
what is "vectort3DObject pObject"?
it is quite cool init
cheers dude |
Posted June 28, 2004 9:16:56 PM
light position moving with player?
Cheers mate, that really does the trick! However is it just my rather slow laptop or is that function rather heavy on the processor? |
Posted December 12, 2003 11:33:23 AM
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