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Get to know tatthanh85...  
Full Name Thanh Nguyen
Nickname tatthanh85 
State/Province, Country WA   United States
GD Gathering City Bellevue, WA, United States
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Member Since 4/14/2006 3:14:52 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Barrel Rapids These are screenshots from our junior game project "Barrel Rapids" at DigiPen Institute of Technology. It's a 3D racing game down a rapids with 6 playable characters, lots of items you can use, and a gigantic golden nugget for the winner =). The game... 
Posted April 23, 2006 3:54:33 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Clouds that cast shadows on the terrain I believe there are things called texture shaders. You might want to do a search on them (I myself have not worked with them yet so I can't really help you much there). Hope that help. 
Posted June 21, 2006 9:44:34 PM
Barrel Rapids To Gauvir_Mucca: You need a video card with at least 128MB of VRAM to run the game. My bad, I should have posted the min requirements, so here it is: Windows XP/2000 2Ghz CPU or better Video card with shader 2.0 and 128MB RAM or better 512 MB RA... 
Posted May 2, 2006 3:12:55 PM
Barrel Rapids To blanky: There is maybe something wrong with the desktop shortcut. I kinda doubt it since we have tested that several times. You can try launch the game directly from its working directory and see if it works. If it doesn't then I am pretty sure... 
Posted April 27, 2006 2:49:28 AM
Barrel Rapids To Blanky: Try to re-install the game. If it still does not work, please let me know. I will look into it. 
Posted April 26, 2006 10:43:59 PM
Barrel Rapids To jdaniel: Thank you! To Boder: We will definitely do something about the terrains' textures. There are actually 3 layers of texture blended there but since the height maps we are using don't have a good height distribution, the blend maps are no... 
Posted April 23, 2006 11:20:51 PM
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