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Member Since 2/17/2006 5:23:35 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Aligning an object to a sphere by using a normal Usually I'm trying to solve such problems by myself, but my math skills are not the best and I've been trying on this for roughly four days now without getting a good result. I also searched the net and looked up wikipedia for hours with no real... 
Posted June 26, 2009 3:24:23 PM
Projekt W Projekt "W" Introduction Projekt "W" (The W s 
Posted June 23, 2007 1:34:02 PM
Projekt "W" - Phase 1 released Important note : I had to release an updated version as the original one would crash if you had a resolution with 5:4 aspect ratio and if you won or lost a game (the game wouldn't find the appropriate music file and crashes). So if you encounter... 
Posted August 14, 2007 7:13:31 PM
NewtonPlayGround 1.5 Here is my release-to-public version of the NewtonPlayGround, which is a tool to let people (mostly aimed at developers) see what the Newton Game Dynamics Engine is capable of. It started out as a simple test-bed for creating and interacting with... 
Posted February 18, 2006 10:03:25 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Aligning an object to a sphere by using a normal Man, that's a great explanation, and since I'm not that good at math I would've never come up with such a solution. Actually I can't thank you enough for posting this, as I just implemented your solution and it's working fine. My explosion now ali... 
Posted June 27, 2009 8:28:31 AM
Projekt W Afer adding and changing some stuff I finally got around making a video that shows some of the new (and changed) things for "Phase 2". It's roughly 3 minutes long and I've uploaded it to youtube. Please watch it in HD, cause SD quality is so bad that... 
Posted May 30, 2009 4:02:59 PM
Projekt W Quote:Original post by dpadam450 You should upload a video so we can see it in progress! Looks good. I'm assuming your going to sell it? All of the new features planned for "Phase 2" are still work-in-progress, so making a video showing them right... 
Posted May 8, 2009 7:47:06 AM
Newton Physics Library Website links broken Have patience, they're switching hosting as the old host gave them troubles cause of the traffic the downloads caused. I think it should be back in a few days. As for tutorials : I have some demo apps with source for the most basic things of newto... 
Posted November 8, 2007 2:36:50 PM
Projekt "W" - Phase 1 released Patch 1.2 : I just released patch 1.2 for Projekt "W". This one adds an extensive in-game tutorial that'll teach you the basics of the game. It also fixes a lot of bugs and problems with the AI and the army mangement. So it shouldn't crash anym... 
Posted September 5, 2007 4:14:54 PM
Projekt "W" - Phase 1 released I've chosen such a "late" date for Phase 2 cause especially with a more complex project, it's hard to predict a correct release date. Besides the fact that I want to implement a lot of additional features and content there are usually tons of things... 
Posted August 24, 2007 11:07:19 AM
Projekt W Thanks for the kind words, it's always nice to see when people all around the globe like my own creations! Most of the code used within Projekt "W" is new for this project. I only reused the most basic things like a texture- and shadermanager... 
Posted August 20, 2007 9:41:06 AM
Projekt "W" - Phase 1 released Patch 1.1 : The first release sadly included some bugs and problems so after releasing the game I quickly started to work on a first patch. And I just finished this patch and uploaded it, together with uploading a fixed full-install package. So... 
Posted August 18, 2007 12:52:57 PM
Projekt W It's out, I made an annoucement over here. 
Posted August 14, 2007 7:16:28 PM
Projekt W Well, in terms of gameplay a pure 2D map would maybe have been the better option and there was even a very early prototype with a pure 2D map. But I decided against it, not because of gameplay reasons, but purely because a real 3D globe that you ca... 
Posted June 26, 2007 7:18:53 AM
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