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Get to know barroslee...  
Full Name barros lee
Nickname barroslee 
State/Province, Country Tai-pei   Taiwan, Province of China
GD Gathering City Taipei, Tai-pei, Taiwan, Province of China
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Member Since 12/18/2004 3:11:58 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Chinese Style FPS Hi all, I developed a 3D engine and use it to create a Chinese style FPS. Here are some screenshots of my game. If you like what I made, you may visit my blog. 
Posted September 16, 2006 12:05:06 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Chinese Style FPS To Woodchuck: I wrote some shaders for the game myself. It's just some simple lighting equation with normal mapping or parallax mapping(not show in the screenshots) alternative. To cowsarenotevil: Thanks for your opinion. I will try that. 
Posted September 19, 2006 10:14:28 AM
Chinese Style FPS To dannielum: The game story isn't only about three kingdoms. There is a old proverb in Chinese saying"Zhang-Fei(張飛) fights Yue-Fei(岳飛)" (Zhang-Fei and Yue-Fei are two General that in different dynasty) Actually,... 
Posted September 18, 2006 10:47:42 AM
Chinese Style FPS Thanks for your opinions. To dali: I will build a English website within few months. You are welcome to visit my website when it is ready. Thank you! To cowsarenotevil: Because I am a programmer, I am not good at art. In this game, I c... 
Posted September 17, 2006 9:12:02 AM
Setting up GLSL attributes I can't get attribute location by using glGetAttribLocationARB. Because glGetAttribLocationARB is always return 0. I just pass the index which what I bind to glGetAttribLocationARB. 
Posted January 16, 2005 9:51:26 AM
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