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Full Name Adam Sawicki
Nickname Reg 
State/Province, Country Czestochowa   Poland
GD Gathering City Czestochowa, Czestochowa, Poland
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Member Since 4/30/2007 11:15:41 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
The Final Quest - 3D Graphics Engine I am a computer science student from Poland, interested in game development. The Final Quest is my amateur 3D graphics engine written in C++. It works in Windows using DirectX 9.0c and graphics hardware with Shader Model 2. I've started it with so... 
Posted November 20, 2007 2:58:04 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Final Quest - 3D Graphics Engine I'm sorry for that. That's because I did an update. The new archive is here:  
Posted January 14, 2008 5:48:10 AM
The Final Quest - 3D Graphics Engine I'm sorry for reviving the inactive thread, but I just wanted to inform that I had published the source code of my engine under the GNU GPL license. Comments and documentation are in Polish, but all the identifiers in code are in English. You can... 
Posted December 28, 2007 8:34:45 AM
The Final Quest - 3D Graphics Engine Well, actually I didn't think about what is it going to be for, besides my own experience, item for my personal portfolio and the code for my MSc thesis at university. I don't know yet if I'm going to release it as Open Source or make it an off-the-s... 
Posted November 22, 2007 4:44:17 AM
The Final Quest - 3D Graphics Engine Wavesonics: Yes, I am the only one developer of this project. Trillian: The icon is actually an avatar I use in the Internet on forums, but I couldn't set it on this forum :) When it comes to animation - yeah, I know, that's... 
Posted November 21, 2007 12:04:29 PM
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