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Member Since 8/2/2004 7:10:21 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Realtime Soft Shadow How fast is the algorithm? <50% slow down at most (I *feel*... I drafted this garbage in a week or so about a year ago, and I forgot to program the fps counter... so I count it manually) How is it working? Basically, I began with the brute forc... 
Posted November 29, 2005 1:47:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Realtime Soft Shadow I'm such a rush guy... and I forgot to say nearly everything! 1) I'm on a linux box, so OpenGL is my only choise 2) And I used per-pixel lighting, see that? 3) I used two light sources, and 16 samples each light. I compared my solution w... 
Posted November 30, 2005 8:26:16 PM
Render to buffer try the opengl extension EXT_framebuffer_object. using it you can set your array (a texture) as a rendering target and directly render to it - no pixel read back needed. 
Posted November 27, 2005 8:47:49 PM
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