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Member Since 4/11/2004 6:43:10 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Parabolic shooting enemy? 2-D game Here's one I was curious about an implementation. Say you have the player and then a shot, but I want the shot to move in a parabola sort of way. I am thinking that one would take the X/Y position of the shot, and then the X position... 
Posted September 14, 2010 1:56:09 PM
2-D enemy that orbits a block with variable radii So, this is one I've been wondering. You have a block with an enemy that orbits it. I was hoping the radius it is from the block could be variable. The main thing is figuring out just how to re-calculate its positions to provide that circu... 
Posted August 30, 2010 12:53:07 PM
Circle to rectangle collisions? 2-D game Hey all. I have this situation of wanting lasers to hit the player in my game. The player's hitbox is a circle. Lasers would be best represented as a rectangle. They can be thick lines, hence the rectangle approach. Lasers could also be going... 
Posted May 1, 2010 11:02:58 PM
Getting strings and extended ASCII in C++ Okay, I've got a situation. I want to use extended ASCII in strings. Say I do this: //Declare string with some random junk string meh = "€EhÄ?"; cout << meh; The problem is, the string is displayed using the wrong chars. It's usi... 
Posted April 23, 2010 5:24:28 PM
Preventing multiple instances of the program from being open? Hey all. The topic pretty much says what I want to do. One and only one game being open at a time. I'm using Visual C++ 2008 and this game is for Windows. Any easy way to go about doing it? Thanks! 
Posted April 18, 2010 10:10:20 PM
Selling an indie PC game - general Q's These are just some general questions/considerations I wondered about should I ever want to attempt selling anything. -Does it matter what IDE is used to actually compile the C++ source? I use VC++ 2008 Express currently. -File formats I know ca... 
Posted April 21, 2010 1:03:46 PM
Downcasting with iterator Hi all. I have a situation where I have two subclasses of a master class. Basically, when I'm updating one of them, I'd like to be able to modify another variable that's in the other subclass. Here's the code... std::list<GameObjec... 
Posted April 4, 2010 10:44:17 PM
Handling enemy events in a shmup using lists Hey all. I'm my shmup project, I've gotten a basic event handler in place that basically spawns enemies after so much time passes. It defines their start position, move speed, etc. What I'm looking to do next is how to actually handle what the... 
Posted April 5, 2010 1:46:25 PM
Using images of font characters Hey all. I was wondering about this issue. I have a font I like, but have no intention of distributing the TTF with the game, but rather just making a little text engine that reads some PNG file that has the characters on it. Is this pretty... 
Posted April 3, 2010 5:13:32 PM
Framerate regulation issues Hey all. I've got a strange situation. Basically, I'm using SFML (I've asked on their forums too, but maybe someone has the answer here). Using: VCpp 2008 express on WinXP machine. Basically, I want to regulate the FPS to be 60. S... 
Posted April 1, 2010 4:36:36 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Parabolic shooting enemy? 2-D game No, no gravity here. We don't need any fancy-shmancy gravity in this simplistic world. I'm thinking that cause it's parabolic, it would move at a constant X speed and only its Y position would change to just do the parabola appearance. I'... 
Posted September 16, 2010 1:31:07 PM
Downcasting with iterator Quote:Original post by rip-off Why do these shots need special handling? This is a symptom of a disease in your hierarchy design. Type-switching and casting cures the symptom, but you will likely run into similar problems again unless you find the r... 
Posted April 5, 2010 10:33:08 AM
Downcasting with iterator Quote:Original post by Hodgman As shown in your code (*it3) gives you a 'GameObject*'. So if you wanted to cast that pointer to a derived type, you should be able to write: static_cast<DerivedObject*>(*it3) (assuming DerivedObject inherits fr... 
Posted April 5, 2010 1:15:41 AM
Framerate regulation issues Hi, I don't know what this "profiler" is. One thing: A build made with debug mode has the opposite problem when too much is going on (which makes sense...) Regarding CPU: The app is windowed (for now; I'd like to have an option for windo... 
Posted April 1, 2010 10:13:12 PM
Hitboxes - Circles or Rectangles? Considerations... Well, no. The speed isn't an issue... yet... heh. It seems the circles just may be more accurate is all. I just was worried it could make some things complex. Right now it's just a core engine. I'm trying to figure out why the game runs fast... 
Posted April 1, 2010 4:31:22 PM
Deleting inactive things from my list... I think I'm missing something Hey all. Sorry for the double post, but I seem to have figured it out. I needed a virtual dtor in the master class. That seems to have fixed it! 
Posted March 29, 2010 11:06:37 PM
Deleting inactive things from my list... I think I'm missing something Quote:Original post by Gage64 Why are you calling Update() twice? Er, sorry. The part below the initial call is supposed to be commented out. I've fixed this. 
Posted March 29, 2010 2:30:41 PM
Game logic considerations for my shmup - outline Hey there. I definitely see what you're saying. Maybe have the BG as its own thing and the rest of the bullets/enemies/player be grouped with that extra var for some kind of ID on what type of object it is. The Z position handling will stil... 
Posted March 26, 2010 2:12:47 PM
Wanna do my own shoot em up - Outline Hey again. Well, this SFML is already leaps and bounds over SDL. I've already gotten a preliminary graphical screen going. The main BG and 2 other objects for the Score captions work n... 
Posted March 17, 2010 7:19:26 PM
Wanna do my own shoot em up - Outline Thanks for the replies folks. I've never heard of SMFL. The main reason I chose SDL is because I've heard of it and know of some who have used it, but anything that's easier is welcome. I haven't really gotten too far off the ground yet. Gettin... 
Posted March 17, 2010 2:27:05 PM
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