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State/Province, Country Vastra Gotaland   Sweden
GD Gathering City Boras, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
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Member Since 3/12/2009 10:24:51 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
[DX11] - Instancing problem with rendering ( probably a vertex shader issue ) Hey! I am working on a instancing thing! And the issue i get is that : 1 : The model is not rendering at all. -> Solution (atleast what i think) is to transpose the view & projection matrix. -> Now it dose render but it looks like a D... 
Posted January 5, 2011 1:29:11 PM
[DX11] - IndexBuffer Value problem Hey, i have this realy anoying problem. i am trying to use assimp for my importer function. the thing is that my vertex buffer gets set with information, but my index buffer just get 0 in all elements! i have ben stuck on this for days no... 
Posted December 15, 2010 3:09:02 PM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. Hey! im doing some Compute shaderstuff and got lost and since the lack of (in my opinion) good tutorials, i need some answers. Q1 : //C++ csDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; csDesc.CPUAccessFlags =... 
Posted December 9, 2010 10:52:47 PM
Directx11 - Shader Constantbuffers vs the world. Hey! i working on some dx11 stuff and are at the point where i need to be able to set shader variables easy and fast, since it gonna happen in runtime i am looking for the fastest way to do this. At the moment i am struggeling with Constan... 
Posted November 11, 2010 3:49:47 PM
Viking Engine - Beta This is my homemade engine, Viking Engine! Itīs not completly done yet but is in a early beta stage. i wanted to post some pics of what i have done so far to get feedback! so i will list futures : - Easy mesh using, which means that you have... 
Posted December 24, 2009 4:26:08 AM
[dx10] - Blendstate and the best result Hey! i recenly descoverd that my blend state is giving me a ugly result, the entire texture gets wery low detailed and some pixels are entiery black. take a look at the particel i have mar... 
Posted December 10, 2009 11:35:47 AM
Releasing software with dlls Hey! my question is, when i whant to "release" my software for the public and to just build it under "Release" in MSVS and just zip it up and give it to every one. why dose every one keep getting that they are missing some dll files? ... 
Posted December 9, 2009 1:43:41 PM
[Wanted] Looking for 3d & texture dude! Are you capabel of making big textures of planets, asteroids? and are you capabel of modeling Asteroids? i am looking for some one who can help me with this, since i am putting together a render demo of my dx10 engine and my stuff just dont... 
Posted December 7, 2009 12:38:43 PM
DX10 - Depth buffer to texture problems. Hey! i have been working on postprocessing in the latest and have come realy far, but my current problem is Depth of Field, which need me to retrive the depth buffer fron the device, and then make it to a texture! my code dose this but the t... 
Posted December 5, 2009 9:07:09 PM
[DX10] DrawInstanced help. hey! i have been working alot on performance on my engine, and the next step is to make DrawInstanced models! the problem is that i dont understand how this works, what to do or where to turn after help, i have search the internet for... 
Posted November 26, 2009 9:58:20 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[DX11] - Instancing problem with rendering ( probably a vertex shader issue ) I solved it. it had to do that when i remapt the buffer and copied the new data into it, it dident copy it right! so for the first frame it would render correctly and for the second frame it would go bananas!  
Posted January 6, 2011 7:33:03 AM
[DX11] - Instancing problem with rendering ( probably a vertex shader issue ) I calculate the World*View*Projection with the CPU in c++ code alerdy so the input.inWorld is the Worldviewprojection matrix. (this was only so i could see the result in cpp code) 
Posted January 5, 2011 2:07:40 PM
[DX11] - IndexBuffer Value problem That was somthing that i have corrected befor, and that dosent help either :( (that line of code just popīt out from the code i posted) 
Posted December 18, 2010 11:42:49 AM
[DX11] - IndexBuffer Value problem Any one have a clue? 
Posted December 18, 2010 9:58:19 AM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. I just did slove it, i did managed to create the destination buffer a bit to small :) ! Thanks alot guys for all the help, this has been very intressting and learning in all ways :) (this post might even gets sticked becuase it contain lost... 
Posted December 12, 2010 11:31:00 AM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. I managed to create the buffer and all that, but that brings me to another question, how do i know what in the buffer i am looking for? this is my shader so far struct BufferStruct { float4 color; }; RWStructuredBuffer<BufferStruct>... 
Posted December 12, 2010 9:36:43 AM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. Q1 : Yes well now i understand it perfect :) Q2 : Hmm alright... This was a bit confusing thoe so i think i have to read up on that subject! (and i couldent find a way to see your water shader demo) Q3 : haha, no that equation was w... 
Posted December 11, 2010 10:26:00 AM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. phantom : Precisly, i understand that, and that is why i wrote "Return color". it dose the similar thing in another way just. 
Posted December 10, 2010 3:02:48 PM
[DX11] - Compute Shader questions. Q1 : so there is no need to have a sizeof*x*y. i could just go and create a array instead and size that? Or i could make a real nig struct with diffrent kinds (if i would only whant to make one caluclation) of data types? What i unde... 
Posted December 10, 2010 9:17:24 AM
Directx11 - Shader Constantbuffers vs the world. Well thanks MJP! this solves alot of questions and troubel for me!  
Posted November 25, 2010 2:55:44 PM
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