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State/Province, Country Cambridgeshire   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Member Since 9/17/2006 6:37:46 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments. Created in a blur of just under three months (alongside a 22,000 word report) for my Masters Dissertation. The entire environment is created using some form... 
Posted September 17, 2006 4:31:14 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Real time planets on the GPU Superb! Really fantastic looking. Would you mind giving a brief explanation as to how you're lighting and texturing?  
Posted November 2, 2006 3:29:58 PM
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Wow guys, Thanks for the really kind words - was much more than I expected so thank you. To answer a few of your questions... :) ZQJ - The shadows do move slowly in the wind (just a couple of sin curves modulated, based upon the leaves above... 
Posted September 20, 2006 8:24:03 AM
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Heh no, It's running on DX9, Windows XP. I just have a fancy skin on :) And yeah, as I mentioned I will hope to release a demo once I've cleaned it up and optimised it a little. 
Posted September 18, 2006 12:09:07 PM
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Yeah, the dissertation will probably appear on my portfolio website within a week or so. 
Posted September 18, 2006 9:25:47 AM
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Hi Shiny, Thanks for the comments. I'll probably be applying to the games field, so with that basis I suppose It does suit. Oblivion and SpeedTree were big inspirations - plus the GPU Gems books are invaluable. As for speed. Heh. It's not so ba... 
Posted September 17, 2006 7:29:42 PM
Teranium - The Procedural Generation and Rendering of Real-Time Outdoor Environments Hi Guys, Thanks for the kind words. A little more information and to answer some of your questions: The trees aren't quite as polished as I'd have hoped, time just got the better of me. I do intend to polish them up. The shadows are a proced... 
Posted September 17, 2006 6:56:22 PM
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