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Nickname Errant Knight 
State/Province, Country Southern Finland   Finland
GD Gathering City Munkkivuori, Southern Finland, Finland
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Member Since 12/5/2005 4:39:07 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Skybox and stereoscopic rendering Skybox is often rendered by disabling z-write and then rendering the box around the player. This doesn't quite work though when rendering for stereoscopic displays (using the nvidia stereoscopic drivers). Nvidia's slides at http://developer.nvidia... 
Posted March 1, 2009 10:08:16 AM
On the Edge On the Edge is a 3D freeware game where the player controls a hovercraft on space platforms making his way through several levels. The game combines conventional action and environmental puzzles. The ship can be equipped with different weapon... 
Posted May 9, 2007 1:43:39 PM
Smooth camera rotation with mouse I'm currently working on a new camera control model for my 3D space/platform shooter project (screenshot at ). I want the player to be able to turn the ship... 
Posted April 30, 2007 8:26:24 PM
ID3DXMesh::DrawSubset taking 100+ ms I've got a 3d game project and I took the short route for loading and rendering meshes, D3DXMesh that is. For quite a while I had problems with my comp and thus had a 10 ms frame sleep so this particular problem didn't appear so strongly. Now that I'... 
Posted July 1, 2006 12:23:24 PM
Playing video and sound I'm developing a commercial media product which is targeted for Windows 2k/XP (and maybe 98) systems. The language of choice is C#. The users are supposed to be able to run the program from dvd without any kind of installation (we aim at extreme s... 
Posted June 21, 2006 10:33:40 AM
Alpha blending with material I'm experimenting with a particle system that supports rendering mesh particles. I've ran into problems with getting alpha blending to work the way I wish. I simply want the overall alpha of the mesh to be modulated by the material's alpha value (mat... 
Posted May 5, 2006 7:36:44 PM
STL remove_if turning string parameter const I'm facing pretty strange problem. I'm writing a resource manager and there I have map<string, CTexture*> m_textures; To release specific textures I use the following algorithm provided by STL: m_textures.erase(remove_if(m_textures.begin(),... 
Posted May 4, 2006 8:34:30 PM
Simple collision determination or physics engine I'm the programmer for an arcadish space action game which is being completely reworked (graphics, sounds, story, design, new features). You can check the old (current) version here: If you t... 
Posted April 26, 2006 9:51:41 AM
Loading font for OpenGL I need to load a font and render text using OpenGL. (I'm using TAO libarary if it makes any difference) Basically what I need is just to convert the following function from C++ to C# This function from NeHe's OpenGL tutorials on how to do the... 
Posted December 5, 2005 4:46:47 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
On the Edge After several months pause in the development I finally came back to the project and now the patch 1.1 is ready and released. There are some new major features like three new difficulty levels, an experimental enemy emote system, the ship should feel... 
Posted November 2, 2007 6:41:13 PM
On the Edge Thanks for all the positive feedback. For those two users requesting reports, I had actually already written a message there but appearently it got largely ignored. Hopefully people will pick it up more now that I updated the origin... 
Posted May 13, 2007 9:26:09 PM
ID3DXMesh::DrawSubset taking 100+ ms I managed to reduce the number of Draw*-calls to max ~110 per frame. This didn't seem to affect the jumpy fps at all. I profiled the execution using PIX but couldn't find out anything out of ordinary on the frames that took longer to render. Nam... 
Posted July 3, 2006 5:40:06 AM
ID3DXMesh::DrawSubset taking 100+ ms Thanks to both of you. This does actually seem likely. I noticed that the amount of 'lagging' reduces much when the amount of meshes rendered decreases. Appearently a rather large glitch in the frustum culling caused almost whole level to be sent to... 
Posted July 1, 2006 4:09:53 PM
Alpha blending with material Thank you. That really cleared things up. And I also managed to solve the problem which was that I hadn't set emissive color for the material I used (!!). Now it works just as I intended and looks pretty nice (at least compared to the old system). He... 
Posted May 6, 2006 6:27:36 AM
STL remove_if turning string parameter const Thanks Sneftel, that seems to work fine. And there won't be memory leak because CheckPartialTextureFilename handles deleting the CTexture* in case it is to be removed (I still use a modified version of it to check whether to erase). 
Posted May 5, 2006 5:43:08 AM
STL remove_if turning string parameter const Good point. Unfortunately that doesn't remove the problem. This line: *_Dest++ = *_First; still causes the error message at algorithm (function remove_copy_if). Might be remove_if isn't even meant to work with map? I guess it's best to do this some o... 
Posted May 5, 2006 4:14:38 AM
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