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simple newcomer questions
in this very simple opengl application, what i simply do is render a cube at 0, 0, -100 and position the camera at the origin, then just let it get closer or farther to it.
problem is, when i translate the camera, the Z has to be positive for... |
Posted May 5, 2008 5:54:37 AM
help on creating random generated "asteroids"
hi there,
so for my CG class project we have to build an "asteroids" clone. i already have a asteroids manager on my project, problem is it only creates hexagons asteroids and they are 2d only yet. i want to convert it to 3d and i wan... |
Posted May 1, 2008 11:08:07 AM
dualcore with openmp but slower loop
hi there,
i got my hands on a dual core cpu and i start working with openmp so i could take the most out of it. before i used it in real apps, i wrote just a simple benchmark app to compare a for loop single threaded with one using the dua... |
Posted October 25, 2006 4:30:52 PM
store in class a pointer to ordinary function and call it
hi there,
im trying to save in a private member of my class, a pointer to a ordinary or global function (not a member/method one), so i can call is when certain events happen.
for example:
class Test
int numb... |
Posted June 20, 2005 3:36:57 PM
is there a future in gamedev for MacOS ?
hi there,
Ive been developing games as a hobby for same years now, but only for the windows platform (i love directx).
Recently i bought a powerbook G4 mainly for work purposes, but being a gamedev lover as i am, i soon started to learn th... |
Posted May 9, 2005 10:05:49 PM
reflection: getting RGB values of all colors in system.drawing
hello there,
im trying to access System.Drawing.Color using reflection to get every RGB value of the colors within it, so i can use those values in other projects without having to copy them by hand.
what i wanted to do was creating a c++ heade... |
Posted November 13, 2004 1:40:21 PM
vc++ 2003 inline asm with pointers
hi there,
ive been learning inline asm for the visual c++ 2003 compiler, and so for starters ive tried to make a very simple int swap function:
void swap_asm( int *a, int *b )
push a;
push b;
pop a;
pop b;... |
Posted October 31, 2004 9:43:13 PM
please recomend me a laptop based on this specs
hi there,
ive been saving money to buy a laptop for quite some time now. i need it for 2 things only: general work for my course at university, and for gamedev (and game play if possible).
i was thinking something like:
- p4 3.0mhz or b... |
Posted October 28, 2004 7:56:24 PM
cannot seam to inherit from std::ostream
hi there,
on a game im writting i have on all my class's that need a Write() method something like this:
void Write( std::ostream & output = std::cout ) const
output << "just testing this up.";
and now for GUI purposes i ha... |
Posted August 23, 2004 7:46:54 AM
is there a way to convert managed to unmanaged/native code?
hi there,
well, ive been programming for all my C++ life in native code, but since ive tried managed C++ ive fallen in love with it. i mean, for applications, it reduces the production time a lot.
well, not for games, it really dont help that m... |
Posted February 18, 2004 11:26:57 PM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
Realtime Raytracing for Massive Models
impressive work right there, breathtaking!
keep up the good work! |
Posted July 17, 2009 1:03:42 PM
Earth Vs Moon
looks very good, really liked the video and the bosses, made me want to play it! too bad i dont have an iphone.
keep up the good work! |
Posted July 17, 2009 1:01:01 PM
Making a platform game with JavaScript
looks very good, and its javascript!
one tip though, try to keep the player at the center of the screen, that way he can see whats forward (or backward) in the game, instead of updating only when the player is at the edge.
keep up the... |
Posted July 17, 2009 12:59:39 PM
about where to begin making 2D scroll games?
well, if you're already confortable with C++ and windows API you can try use Direct2d: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd370990(VS.85).aspx
it really beats GDI for 2D rendering, and will be the mainstream for high performance 2D rendering &#... |
Posted July 16, 2009 12:22:37 PM
Frame rate trouble
why dont you read the keyup value instead?
that way it only reads once for key press and prevents it from keep reading the same key for as long as you keep pressing it. |
Posted June 23, 2009 3:25:20 PM
Windows 7 & Directx9 ?
it will ship with directx 10 or 10.1, which is backwards compatible with directx 9 so no worries.
even the latest SDK includes also the directx 9 development files apart from the directx 10 ones. |
Posted March 12, 2009 10:54:00 AM
XNA Creators Club - Robot Game
if thats really the case you'll probably find the examples on some website, try to google and see if you have any luck. |
Posted March 3, 2009 10:00:50 PM
DirectX Skew Transform?
Quote:Original post by mososky
I don't understand where the formual kxy came from or what it represents. Can you elaborate?
i didnt write the post but i would say K its a coefficient valor of your own choice and the X, Y and Z are the co... |
Posted February 28, 2009 3:53:42 PM
Segmentation Fault? [Solved]
the error is probably here: Heights = new float*[Length]; or here: Heights[Position - 1][i] = toFloat(getWord(Line, i));
make sure you're not writting out of bonds of the array, also check if its being properly inicialised. use the debugger to check... |
Posted May 10, 2008 4:09:24 PM
general projection/camera help
when you load the projection matrix you set the camera for projection view, thats what gluPerspective() and glFrustum() are for, they setup the andle of view and respective ratio and also the near and far camera planes.
now to setup the camera pos... |
Posted May 10, 2008 1:38:02 PM
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