Some recent topics started on our forums |
How do ya find the title?
How do ya go about finding the title of a song if ya know the lyrics but not the name of it? |
Posted March 26, 2007 12:57:31 PM
Ouch that had to hurt!!
Tough woman though, she got up and walked away after a terrible beating.
http://www.myfoxchicago.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=2731642&version=4&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1 |
Posted March 23, 2007 11:53:20 AM
UAC and Vista
Anyone know how to turn off the UAC warnings that pop up every 3 mins? |
Posted March 22, 2007 11:47:56 PM
Heh, China blocks gamedev.net
Guess people in China cant visit this site. Heres a site to test if your favorite sites are available in china:
http://www.greatfirewallofchina.org/test/ |
Posted March 16, 2007 5:46:27 PM
Lotus notes beta opened to public
Just incase anyones interested. |
Posted March 16, 2007 7:45:06 PM
Question about subscriptions?
How long does it take for subscription to kick in? Ive checked at paypal, and gamedev has confirmed reciept of the money, and says my subscription is active, yet here at the gamedev site, its not...
Kinda discouraging. |
Posted March 15, 2007 6:49:55 PM
Need a litlle help using VS c++
For some reason it tells me that cout and endl are unidentified. Im just begining to learn how to use this, and Im using c++ for dummies. The book uses a different compilier program, but Id like to learn on VS. I dont know why it doesnt understa... |
Posted March 15, 2007 10:56:37 AM
Need some help with c++ for dummies
Cant believe Im stuck right at the begining, how embarrassing.
It has me using the programd Dev-C++ by bloodshed
It asks me to put in this line:
cout << "Hello, I am your computer talking." << end1;
But when i try and comp... |
Posted March 13, 2007 6:34:50 PM
Math Help
Heya guys,
Ive decided to go back to school for game design. Im 32 now and its been a very long time since Ive had math classes or had to use any kind of algebra, not to mention anything harder. I'm pretty much having to relearn it all. I was wond... |
Posted March 9, 2007 11:28:01 AM
How long does it take for subscription to activate?
Sorry if this is wrong forum to ask, but I couldnt find one that was for gamedev.net help. |
Posted March 8, 2007 2:28:00 PM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
just upgraded my account
[Edited by - Dragoro on April 8, 2007 2:02:42 AM] |
Posted April 8, 2007 3:02:14 AM
Quote:Original post by mikeman
Anyone want to chime in?
'Nough said?
Ignorance, 'Nough said. |
Posted April 3, 2007 3:47:55 PM
GDNet system
I neglected to mention that the owners and mods have been trying hard to fix it. They fixed it today!! I wish all businessess worked that hard to solve problems. Would be a much better world. |
Posted March 27, 2007 2:03:39 PM
Privacy: Do we need it? Worth protecting?
Quote:Original post by JBourrie
Quote:Original post by Dragoro
*cough* BS *cough*
That was almost as brilliant as your reply to Trapper Zoid earlier today:
Quote:Original post by Dragoro
Quote:Original post by Trapper Zoid
I'm pretty s... |
Posted March 27, 2007 1:21:20 AM
Privacy: Do we need it? Worth protecting?
Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
Quote:Original post by Dragoro
*cough* BS *cough*
You certainly showed LessBread. After that relentless and insightful criticism of... Er... a list of abstracts from online articles, I'd be surprised if he... |
Posted March 26, 2007 9:24:57 PM
EULAs worth the paper they're written on?
Quote:Original post by Trapper Zoid
Quote:Original post by Yann L
Right, "I didn't read it" is not a reasonable defense, I agree. However, "I didn't understand it" is a valid claim in court. As long as you are a private consumer, and not a corporat... |
Posted March 26, 2007 9:22:26 PM
EULAs worth the paper they're written on?
Quote:Original post by Yann L
Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
In some cases, for example, Monsanto Co. v. McFarling, courts have found that any valid term in a contract is binding once you've accepted it whether or not you have read it.
Th... |
Posted March 26, 2007 9:17:25 PM
Privacy: Do we need it? Worth protecting?
Quote:Original post by LessBread
Quote:Original post by Naxos
From the second article:
Quote:Those records showed that some of the surveillance was conducted on groups that planned to disrupt the convention, but the bulk of it was on gro... |
Posted March 26, 2007 8:25:36 PM
EULAs worth the paper they're written on?
Quote:Original post by aidan_walsh
I'd love to see a system whereby adoption of Creative Commons style EULA simple summaries were made generally available, along with the full legal text which could be requested if necessary. Even if it was a c... |
Posted March 26, 2007 5:58:19 PM
EULAs worth the paper they're written on?
Quote:Original post by Sander
I can't even remember when the last time was that I used a piece of software that came with a EULA which I had to click though :-)
Ya do everytime ya turn on your comp, less ya dont use windows. |
Posted March 26, 2007 3:57:26 PM
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