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Member Since 6/12/2003 6:07:51 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
SpiderGL Hi everyone, I'd like to present SpiderGL, a javascript 3D Graphics library on top of WebGL. SpiderGL provides typical structures and algorithms for realtime rendering to developers of 3D graphics web application, without forcing them to... 
Posted February 8, 2010 12:41:31 PM
SpiderGL : 3D Graphics for Next-Generation WWW Hello everyone, I'd like to bring to your attention a new library we are working on. SpiderGL is a javascript 3D Graphics library which relies on WebGL for realtime rendering. The philosophy behind SpiderGL is : to provide typi... 
Posted January 20, 2010 3:37:21 PM
C++ Multiple Virtual Inheritance Hi everyone, I have problems defining a class hierarchy. To simplify things, I wrote down a sample class hierarchy which should explain the base concept. There are: living_beings, which must have a birth date (via constructor) and can be... 
Posted May 28, 2007 5:02:30 PM
HDR Bloom and Tone Mapping Hi, I have some questions on HDR: 1) In the HDR pipeline, where do exactly bloom take place? Before or after tone mapping? 2) If it's before: if we use a tone map operator which uses some luminance information (average log(luminance), m... 
Posted May 18, 2007 1:23:38 AM
Early Stencil Culling Hi, Simply put, is early *-culling on fragments performed only on depth (Z) or also on stencil test? AFAIK it should be done for both (due to the tight conjunction of those tests). If yes, is it hardware-vendor dependent or... 
Posted January 12, 2007 2:23:31 PM
FBO and Main Framebuffer Hi everyone, Is in opengl a way to use color render targets (specifically texture-rendertargets) while mantaining the "main screen" depth buffer? Does the FBO extension allow this? Consider a two pass rendering like standard deferred shading... 
Posted October 24, 2006 6:48:31 PM
Again on VBO and multithreading Hi everyone, in a previous short post ( i asked for using and updating vbos in different threads. It seemed to me that the solution found was ok, but actually it was not. The reason w... 
Posted July 7, 2006 7:01:58 PM
VBO and Multithreading Hi everybody. --- <Short description> --- The application consists of two threads, "Renderer" and "Loader". "Renderer" draws objects with VBO and "Loader" update VBO's contents. If "Renderer" is calling some gl commands (drawing or stat... 
Posted May 31, 2006 8:31:30 PM
Indexed Primitives and Duplicated Vertices Hi everybody. I'm sorry if I ask something that could have been asked before (though I couldn't find it). Crease: The question is about different vertex attributes with respect to the face (triangle) they belong to: the very old question abo... 
Posted May 24, 2006 4:05:49 PM
OpenGL platform-independent offscreen rendering Hello (SHORT) Is there a cross-platform way to create an OpenGL context for offscreen rendering (i.e. FBO) without first creating a viewable window? (LONG) Many times in my work and home-coding I found the need to do some preprocessing steps wh... 
Posted February 18, 2006 12:55:31 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[SOLVED] FBO with glReadPixel I think you forgot to bind your fbo before attaching the renderbuffers: glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, selectionFbID_); // <-- this one before the following glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERB... 
Posted May 9, 2010 1:02:20 PM
SpiderGL Like most new technologies, it would take some time spread to a wide audience. I (and not so few other people, as you can see just googling for WebGL) think that it is worth to invest in this particular API because 3D content and the web has always... 
Posted February 11, 2010 3:47:25 AM
SpiderGL Quote:Original post by Meai I tried several gallery examples on your site with FF, Chrome and Opera. It never displays anything. Do I need a plugin? It doesnt say so anywhere. The download is just a library file structure, I assume that is not... 
Posted February 9, 2010 2:18:42 PM
Baking Static Ambient Occlusion Maps on the GPU Quote:Original post by venzon How is this "push-pull" usually implemented? Search around an "empty" pixel for a weighted average of non-empty pixels? Actually what you do is generating a custom mipmap pyramid up to the top (pull) and then gatheri... 
Posted October 31, 2009 1:52:08 PM
Baking Static Ambient Occlusion Maps on the GPU Hi, The technique you are describing here is known as per-texel ambient occlusion. One thing is that you actually should normalize by the number of times the texel shuld be visible, i.e. transformed normal's z component is positive. You can accum... 
Posted October 30, 2009 8:14:04 AM
Web 3D Solar system ( and planetarium ) Just an opinion, but I feel "constipated" with that red shapes enclosing the planet to show information. Maybe a little blend could be less invasive, or maybe rethink about it. Highlighting somehow the planet and give the user a feeling like "I am... 
Posted September 19, 2008 4:28:47 PM
Hiding Code Well, cheats wouldn't be there if you do not want someone eventually discovers them... :) And if that one is used to recognize cheat codes by looking at compiled assembly, he/she deserves to use them :P Marco.  
Posted August 30, 2008 3:55:21 PM
Newb at C++ - need help Jimmy, my sincere apologies. Just a quick advice: at this phase try writing small section of code and have them work, then move on :) This maybe let you focus on single problems you may have instead of having many mistakes and then f... 
Posted June 27, 2008 2:14:21 PM
Newb at C++ - need help Sorry if I may seem cruel, but I do think you just copied the whole thing from somewhere and tried to rewrite without understanding what's going on. Looking at the code, above all other things other people said, it seems that the original wr... 
Posted June 26, 2008 8:17:46 PM
gluPerspective trouble with aspect Be careful. You are setting up the view matrix (gluLookAt) in the projection matrix stack. Although in some scenarios this is desirable or maybe irrelevant (everything in fixed function goes under ProjectionMat * ModelViewMat transform, so the fina... 
Posted March 16, 2008 3:18:03 PM
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