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GD Gathering City Waco, TX, United States
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Member Since 9/28/2007 3:26:47 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Core Fighter released! Core Fighter has now been released! I coded Core Fighter entirely in XNA 1.0 Refresh and made all of the music and almost all of the art myself over the course of 5 months. It's my first graphical game and my first foray into the independent game... 
Posted February 25, 2008 3:38:51 PM
Core Fighter Although there's no demo yet, I wanted to post some screenshots and information about Core Fighter as it nears completion. Core Fighter is a futuristic top-down shooter developed in XNA 1.0 Refresh for Windows systems. I've been working on t... 
Posted January 4, 2008 10:35:48 AM
Level design - what's a developer looking for? Level design jobs hold a unique place in the industry, since they don't typically require a degree (university degrees are too far removed from a level designer's actual job, in most cases) and amateur experience (modding) can be almost as beneficial... 
Posted December 10, 2007 12:56:01 PM
Basic pathfinding struggles I've been working on a 2D game for the past couple of months--a free-roaming top-down shooter that takes place in simple mazes of corridors. (Think Gauntlet in basic navigation.) After spending hours beating my head against the wall last nig... 
Posted December 5, 2007 7:31:10 PM
Does C# clean up unreferenced objects at runtime? I know C# takes care of garbage collection automatically, but I'm unclear as to whether this only occurs when the program closes or whether it happens the moment an object (instance of a class) is unreferenced. In other words, do I need to ma... 
Posted November 13, 2007 5:09:26 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Lost City of Malathedra reaches beta stage! Isometric cartoon art... really neat. 
Posted March 31, 2008 2:04:19 PM
Photoshop help please It's called pre-rendering. You take a still image (or a series of still images for an animation), which is called a render, of a 3D model. Then you output that onto the screen instead of rendering the model in real-time. The model itself mi... 
Posted March 6, 2008 9:05:09 PM
Micro-Shooter idea Quote:Original post by Mephs Yeah, it also bothers me that shooter games do not tend to perform too well. Having said that though, I have had great difficulty locating a single player top down shooter. Trust me, there are loads of them, especi... 
Posted March 6, 2008 7:44:33 PM
Micro-Shooter idea Don't do it if you're hoping to make money off it. Unless you have stellar production values (meaning fantastic art and everything) or a really unique style (like Platypus did with claymation) shooters are a bad idea, especially futuristic/spac... 
Posted March 6, 2008 7:08:18 PM
XNA - should I spend time on it? Whatever you do, learn to program in the language first. A lot of people seem to want to jump right into graphical game programming, but if you don't have a solid foundation in programming, you won't get far before getting confused and giving up. ... 
Posted March 6, 2008 10:10:56 AM
best game engine below 7000$ You could try Torque. It's cheap enough that if it doesn't work out, it wouldn't kill you to try something else. 
Posted March 4, 2008 4:10:51 PM
Getting Started with C# I would suggest steering clear of C# for indie games. Were you think Managed DirectX, or XNA? Either way, I don't think it's a wise choice, because distributing .NET games particularly is very difficult in the downloadable market. For 2D games,... 
Posted February 29, 2008 3:33:38 AM
Core Fighter released! So far, no, but I expected the sales to be really slow; it's not a popular kind of game to buy. Also, I had some problems with the demo at first which are now hopefully fixed (so if anybody tried it and it didn't work, give it another go!). 
Posted February 28, 2008 4:34:20 AM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP That looks really great. How is B3D to work with? I'm springing for BlitzMax in a few days myself. 
Posted February 28, 2008 1:47:09 AM
Going into game programming as a career. Drop the second minor and spend the time making some mods or indie games instead. Full projects, start to finish. It'll look a lot more impressive on your resume. 
Posted February 28, 2008 1:39:26 AM
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