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Get to know nuvera...  
Full Name Wyllo Rogers
Nickname nuvera 
State/Province, Country MA   United States
GD Gathering City Lowell, MA, United States
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Current Occupation
Job Title COO 
Job Description Chief Operations Officer 
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Rating 1015  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 3/8/2008 4:01:19 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
NuVera Online -- Virtual World/Chat What is NuVera Online? NuVera Online is a 3D virtual chat program with a social networking website that allows users to create an avatar and live as whomever they choose with a wide variety of environments and scenes that is only limit... 
Posted January 4, 2010 9:47:09 AM
NuVera Online -- Virtual World/Chat What is NuVera Online? NuVera Online is a 3D virtual chat program with a social networking website that allows users to create an avatar and live as whomever they choose with a wide variety of environments and scenes that is only limit... 
Posted January 4, 2010 11:12:36 AM
3D Chat Program needs 3D developers Team name: Nitrous Butterfly LLP Project name: NuVera Online 3D Chat for Grown-ups Brief description: We are creating a 3D chat program that is unique in many ways. I will not be going into too much detail as we have been working o... 
Posted March 8, 2008 4:18:52 PM
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