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Member Since 11/28/2002 8:26:23 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Gladiator Trials II My first shareware game, alot of the graphics and animations are my own and I'm no artist ;) It's been mentioned on the forum before (2004 i think), and some members of the forum even helped with early versions! Here's a blurb Gladiator Tria... 
Posted October 12, 2007 9:53:34 AM
Gladiator Trials RTS/Sim/RPG Gladiator Trials version 1.0 has been released. First a big thanks to those on gamedev that helped with this game, its light years ahead of what I could have down!! What is it? Its a fairly unique game, with features of an RTS, a Sim and an R... 
Posted April 2, 2005 6:43:47 PM
Gladiator Trials Beta (rts/sim/rpg) Over 8 months of production and finally my first game in years is almost ready. There is very little game balance and the scenarios are very standard (aka 'boring'), so I thought I would unleash a test to see what people thought and grab any new idea... 
Posted February 26, 2005 9:34:55 AM
RTS unit responses After getting inspired by the recent one-liner orc thread I thought I would try to steal some comic genius from here as well :P My game is a tribute to Dungeon Keeper and Theme Hospital, its a mixture of RTS/RPG and Sim. Based on Roman G... 
Posted January 29, 2005 9:00:40 AM
Code complete game looking for artists! I've posted once before about the game I was working on titled "Gladiators", it was a few months ago and Im glad to say that the game has come along way! Its hard to explain what the game is (you should play it, link below!) Its got aspects... 
Posted January 23, 2005 5:14:57 AM
Artists needed (upfront payment) Ok, Ive been pounding along for six months on a Sim/RTS game involving gladiators and arena battles. Basically you have to hire gladiators and train them up with different buildings (Archery, Library for Mages and Training Ground for Fighters).... 
Posted November 1, 2004 6:19:18 AM
Cheap Computer Books! Hey just thought I would pass this site on to all you aussie nerds :P has massive reductions of some newly released books all for only AU$9.95.. I got 'Game Architecture and Design' and 'Absolute Beginners guide to buildi... 
Posted October 26, 2004 10:42:03 PM
my game for acoders competition Ive decided to try out for this competition for the hell of it, taking time off from developing my actor sim to develop a Time travelling tycoon game for the competition.. You run a tourist attraction where you sell time travel to customers, research... 
Posted April 16, 2004 5:35:33 AM
Math problem I’m trying to brush up my skills in maths so that eventually i can be comfortable with 3d geometry. I have been reading this one book and stumbled on this problem that has plain stumped me, its meant to be grade 8 difficulty and this... 
Posted February 2, 2004 7:39:17 AM
Acting Simulation Idea While not a highly original idea, I am proposing to create an Acting Sim, where the player starts as a nobody and tries to become a star in the movie industry. Agents are needed to gain better roles, and skill building is required. This is where I... 
Posted January 22, 2004 7:12:13 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
-(sim) Music Superstar Download Game Screenshot Might get more people interested, most of us are lazy you know ;) Hmm, I like the game and it seems to have great potential. But one of the first things it requires is a tutorial!! It took me quite some time to fi... 
Posted April 9, 2005 10:26:24 AM
Gladiator Trials Beta (rts/sim/rpg) Yes, I'm aware of the spelling/grammer issues, I've thrown alot of that in at the last minute. The only reset option you have is to restart the scenario, as for the tutorial its again something i just threw in there. Im in the process of having... 
Posted February 27, 2005 9:45:53 PM
Gladiator Trials Beta (rts/sim/rpg) Hmm, I didn't change the download link. Could you provide more details for this button problem like the computer specs/os. Did the other graphics show up fine? The interface is a mix of old (brownish) and new (sandstone) graphics. I'm waiting ... 
Posted February 26, 2005 7:57:42 PM
Gladiator Trials Beta (rts/sim/rpg) Just click on the buttons, the keyboard doesnt do anything at the menu screen. :D 
Posted February 26, 2005 6:36:03 PM
A cute, short, blasphemous 2D Platformer Well Done! Loved the game, nice ending too ;) Oh and managed to complete your RPG while I was at it and again great work! I see your graphics have improved somewhat as well, had alot of fun with the game (and what a storyline). 
Posted January 29, 2005 8:21:26 AM
Cool-looking Game programmers needed to submit for photoshoot, major brand name Travel expenses hey? What about someone living in Australia ;) 
Posted January 27, 2005 9:46:15 PM
Reactions to the Death of Alex, and discussion on these topics Well I will continue my post in more detail from the mother's thread (read it if you haven't). This thread is a perfect example of what I was talking about. Most people know nothing about suicide, some feel it shouldn't be spoken about. Depression... 
Posted January 24, 2005 10:20:02 PM
A Mother Thanks You Although I never knew Alex I must say this post did bring tears to my eyes. Im 21 years old and diagnosed with bi-polar when I was 17, I was suicidal from my early teens until around my 19th birthday, and this post brought back some terrible memories... 
Posted January 24, 2005 7:33:06 AM
Code complete game looking for artists! Lurid, Thanks for that! Graphic looks great, much better than my attempt at the interface :P Thanks for the comments Jeff! To answer some questions: Currently the options screen has been ignored, I need to add graphics and enable the full scree... 
Posted January 23, 2005 6:46:12 PM
Cheap Computer Books! Youch.. Thought shipping would be alot cheaper than that... Be about 40$US. Currently creating a sim/rts based on gladiators. Most of my experience is in isometric/top down view games. "Hoping" to port it to Linux and Mac, I know I can do Ma... 
Posted October 27, 2004 12:36:41 AM
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