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Nickname SuperVGA 
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Member Since 9/10/2008 11:14:55 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
OpenGL - Console application when compiled with MingW Hello everyone! How are you? I'm great. I recently defended my Bachelor of IT-Engineering to a pretty nice grade. Now it's time to get back to business. Therefore, I'm again putting some time into my projects at home. :) Anyway, i just str... 
Posted December 30, 2010 5:09:07 PM
GLSL - Is there really no way to read and write in one go? Hello everyone! I was thinking, if my fragment shader writes something. Anything, really, is it not possible to use that in an earlier stage for the next vertex? I just want to check on the vertex stage for the next vertex, wether something... 
Posted December 5, 2010 1:55:26 PM
Searching for an efficient way to sample one of multiple textures in shader Phew, long title! Alright I would like to sample one of 8 textures, but only my shader decides which texture to sample. I refer to the texture in the shader very often, and thus it becomes slow to branch like this: vec4 cola; if(texi... 
Posted September 20, 2010 3:40:54 AM
Excess fragment operations Hello everyone, I've been searching on google -and in the forums for early z-test, and found a lot of stuff. I'm not sure I understand it however. I have an expensive fragment shader, and I'm feeling there's overdraw sometimes. I think t... 
Posted September 8, 2010 4:39:03 AM
Is it possible to erase instead of drawing? Hello everyone, Yes, this is sort of a strange issue. I am drawing sort of a mask/stencil to a framebuffer, whos texture i sample in my fragment shader. The fragment shader decides how to draw, or whether to draw at all, by examining this sa... 
Posted September 1, 2010 3:22:01 PM
Best way to create VBO from std::vector? Hello everyone! I'm trying to fill vertex information into a std::vector, and would like to create a vertex buffer object from it's contents afterwards. As a vector also stores data in a continuous block of memory, I thought that'd be easy. I wa... 
Posted August 19, 2010 7:18:58 AM
VBO Color Problems Hello everyone, I'm trying to pack my homemade vertex struct into a VBO and send it off to be rendered. Currently, it looks like I got the geometry right. The trouble concerns the colours, that are a part of my struct: struct opaque_vertex ... 
Posted August 23, 2010 7:56:53 AM
Orthographic Projection and Depth issue. Hey everybody! For my view class, I'm implementing an option to use either perspective or orthographic projection. I got my shader to write the depth value of my raycast fragments, so that part works excellent in perspective mode. I have a couple... 
Posted August 10, 2010 4:39:34 AM
Texture Units, Shaders and Binding? Hello everyone. I've been searching the forums for a matching issue, but I'm not sure other people have been needing a so basic explanation of things. Perhaps that means I'm dumber than those guys, I dunno. :/ Anyway, I'm just putting a few e... 
Posted August 5, 2010 7:11:04 AM
[solved] Bad fragment depth value from shader Hey guys, I'm having some issues with my shader. It's pretty large so I'll attempt to post only the related parts. I have two overlapping boxes. One rendered with the default pipeline, and one rendered with my raycaster shader. Now... 
Posted July 27, 2010 5:48:09 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
OpenGL - Console application when compiled with MingW Oh! Removed the -Wl -bit! Thanks for the help, man! It's nice to have so quick people around on GD. Have a happy newyear CRYP7IK, right! 
Posted December 30, 2010 5:39:42 PM
OpenGL - Console application when compiled with MingW Yeah i thought that too, i just thought maybe i was suppressing it somehow through the way i compile and link. - I got: int main(int argc, char **argv) , which i think should be sufficient. Note i haven't changed any of my code since i built it t... 
Posted December 30, 2010 5:37:18 PM
Following A Path...What am I missing?!? Many aTan implementations return the angle in radians. Is this what you want? Because you were talking about degrees. Edit: nevermind, your code looks nice and generic. 
Posted December 15, 2010 10:31:19 AM
Recommend Wii/PS3 Games to play with my wife? Quote:Original post by d000hg Quote:Original post by HuntsMan Little Big Planet!She's already got it, and loves it. It's too level-based for me, and also too cooperative... we'd end up having a fight when I got bored and starting messing about, the... 
Posted December 11, 2010 5:35:10 PM
Dev-C++ doesn't work anymore If you want to teach your friend the basics, Scratch all IDEs and teach him >g++ test.cpp That will suffice for compiling all simple files. The next step with headers and inclusion of object modules Is still easy in the command line. I ag... 
Posted December 11, 2010 5:29:14 PM
DREAM act! Give your friend a bike and help him/her get a job in his neighborhood. That is some good help you can offer, i think! 
Posted December 9, 2010 1:09:45 PM
creating a class for rockets, should i use a static for the models mesh? You don't have to declare your rockets static just to use a single mesh. There are many ways to avoid this, but one would be your class having a reference of some sort, maybe a number or a real reference or pointer, to a mesh. Why not create a... 
Posted December 7, 2010 1:05:58 PM
GLSL - Is there really no way to read and write in one go? Quote:Original post by dpadam450 Quote: Yeah, I'm just trying to decrease overdraw in a call to a single vbo. Then it's multiple passes and texture swapping to achieve what i wanted, i guess. I hope "wanted" means you are not going to try a... 
Posted December 6, 2010 2:21:54 PM
GLSL - Is there really no way to read and write in one go? Yes. Then it's multiple passes and texture swapping to achieve what i wanted, i guess. Thanks! :) 
Posted December 5, 2010 3:08:00 PM
GLSL - Is there really no way to read and write in one go? Yeah, I'm just trying to decrease overdraw in a call to a single vbo. My fragment shader is slow, its a raycaster and the vbo contents approximate a surface of my volume. The order of the vertices doesn't matter, so the next vertex may be anyone. 
Posted December 5, 2010 2:17:36 PM
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