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Member Since 2/25/2005 2:50:47 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Javascript Popup Window I have a basic popup window with javascript: function CouponPopup(url, title, info1, info2, width, height) { try { var winWidth = parseInt(width)+17; var winHeight = parseInt(height)+65; var popupWin ='about:blank'... 
Posted October 3, 2007 7:28:46 PM
MySQL Optimization Question I have a MySQL table: (pseudo-code) ListingFieldData(ParentListingID INT, Value LONGTEXT) A basic search queries the Value, and returns all of the ParentListingIDs relevant to the query. (There may be 30+ ListingFieldData rows per each Pare... 
Posted September 29, 2007 8:51:31 PM
PHP/Apache, script breaks permissions. I was recently hired to write a simple PHP script for a client wishing to send out mailing lists to his fans. It's a relatively simple script that uses the mail() function at it's core. I fully tested the script on my own server and things w... 
Posted January 4, 2007 5:07:43 PM
OpenPlay Tiger Fix/Patch Here is a fix/patch for OpenPlay on Tiger with XCode 2. I know the software is pretty deprecated and unsupported, but I still find it useful, and I'm sure there are others. So here it is: OpenPlayer 2.2r2 Fix/Patch for Tiger 
Posted December 7, 2006 7:17:45 PM
Impostors Perspective Error I posted recently about impostor theory. I've made progress, but I am not yet satisfied. Currently, I have my impostor system implemented almost flawlessly. Creating the impostor billboard mesh works perfectly. When it comes to rendering the i... 
Posted October 30, 2006 12:58:20 AM
Impostor Theory (Rendering) Hi. I am trying to implement dynamic 2D impostors (in 3D) as explained here: I have a pretty good grasp on the theory behind it, and have even started implementing the system. However,... 
Posted October 25, 2006 12:05:43 PM
gluUnProject() Question (Note: I am using my own equivalent of the glu library for portability reasons; the function is pretty much exactly the same) I am confused what the purpose of the "WinZ" parameter to gluUnProject(WinXYZ,...,ObjXYZ&,...) is? As far as I know, t... 
Posted October 21, 2006 12:01:52 PM
Low-Poly Test Model This is a low-poly test model I made not only to test my game engine with, but to also test my skills as a modeler - and also because I was bored. It's only my 3rd attempt at actually trying to make a model more detailed than just a few col... 
Posted October 5, 2006 11:10:07 PM
Using Lua Userdata I've got the following Lua5 script which is the frontend to a very basic interface to my engine's SceneManager and scene graph: --Lua5 GSceneManager = SceneManager() PKNode = SceneNode("root") print(PKNode) GSceneManager:Attach(PKNode) ... 
Posted January 4, 2006 10:55:21 AM
Accessing Lua identifier names from C/C++ Does anybody know if it's possible to access the identifier name strings of Lua5 variables from C/C++? I suspect it involves some sort of global table, but I can't figure it out and there seems to be no information on the topic. To give you a... 
Posted November 25, 2005 8:30:29 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
MySQL Optimization Question I'm issuing the commands via PHP. I've been trying to get ahold of my client for the past few days so I can access their PhpMyAdmin, but communication is slow. MySQL 5.0.18, PHP 4.3.11 (GoDaddy Shared Hosting) I originally tried the listingID=... 
Posted September 30, 2007 1:19:02 PM
MySQL Optimization Question I think DISTINCT works as advertised - not sure what went wrong. Either way, I'm still having issues. Here's the query: (A) SELECT SQL_BIG_RESULT DISTINCT(listingID) FROM vamm_v1a1_listing_field_data The above returns only 1 listingID,... 
Posted September 29, 2007 11:18:41 PM
Best Free Game Engine for a Strategy Game ? Overlooked and underappreciated: WildMagic3 and WildMagic4 It's the foundation for anything you could ever need. An intermediate C++ programmer with no prior knowledge of the engine could probably have a game prot... 
Posted May 31, 2007 10:51:29 AM
The Sims Online Remake Quote:Blizzard served them a ceast and desist, and they were forced to stop. This only means that Blizzard (and/or their lawyers) believed that Freecraft violated their rights. The Freecraft developers obviously couldn't afford the legal cost... 
Posted April 21, 2007 1:34:39 AM
Commerical MMORPG Developer Opp Quote:Personally, in my belief, Middleware is for people who do not have resources nor will to develop a quality engine, let alone a quality project. I can agree with that to an extent. But my thinking is: A graphic designer doesn't code Illus... 
Posted April 20, 2007 10:31:28 PM
The Sims Online Remake I can read the blue on white/red fine. It's the font & oblique style that's hard to read. The busy background doesn't help either. All you need to do is put a semi-transparent background color behind the text, change the font styl... 
Posted April 20, 2007 10:13:08 PM
Making a MMORPG: Mission Impossible? My point of view: when you've exceled, both technically and artistically, to a point where you can ignore the opinions of great minds - only then are you ready for the true challenge. In this case, when you're advanced enough to be able to in... 
Posted April 15, 2007 10:31:30 PM
Scythe Physics Editor Awesome. Something about the arrows make this really cool. ;-) 
Posted April 10, 2007 5:36:59 PM
MMORPG Game idea I've wanted to share ^_^ Quote:Why does magic exlude advanced tech? Because magic is holy and science is blasphemy :-P 
Posted March 23, 2007 1:39:53 PM
MMORPG Game idea I've wanted to share ^_^ Cut the guy a break. He has a valid and unique idea buried in there somewhere... Word of advice: dont list a bunch of stats and whatnot. These belong in a spreadsheet buried deep in your project folder, not in your design statement :-) When I see... 
Posted March 23, 2007 8:09:43 AM
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