Some recent topics started on our forums |
development in non-C++ languages
I have an idea for a somewhat ambitious new project, I want to open up a dialogue with users of non-traditional (by which I mostly mean non C-based) languages. This is mainly those of you who are using languages like Python, Ruby, Pike, etc. althoug... |
Posted December 11, 2005 10:56:43 PM
Google Talk
I was really suprised to see that nobody had posted it yet, but it looks like Google's IM client is out.
Google released their own client, but it runs on the Jabber protocol so you can connect with Trillian or Gaim.
I always liked Jabb... |
Posted August 24, 2005 12:32:34 AM
ATI Drivers 8.16.20 released (08/17/05)
I just saw that the latest ATI driver installer is out and it now supports building native packages for Fedora, SuSE, Debian, and Ubuntu. This means that now basically whatever distro you are running you can use an actual package rather than ATIs bi... |
Posted August 20, 2005 3:17:56 PM
State based design and fixed timestepping
Disclaimer: I know this is a long question and somewhat complex, I'd really appreciate any ideas any of you guys have on this though.
I am currently using a State-based design in my project, and I'm looking to implement an easy way to set a f... |
Posted August 14, 2005 4:09:02 PM
smoothing measure of FPS/timeDelta
I'm currently measuring the time between frames and using it to update the display. For example, in a simple spinning cube demo using my library I adjust all of the rotation variables by a constant multiplied by my timeDelta:
xRot += 30*dt;
yR... |
Posted August 12, 2005 7:29:15 PM
Input System design discussion
This is more of a discussion than a question, like Toolmaker's recent thread on State management.
I have encountered a few problems in my libraries current input system and I'm planning to take the opportunity to overhaul some of the input sy... |
Posted August 11, 2005 8:59:37 PM
Fun Operating Systems
I recently screwed up my laptop and decided I would use the opportunity to play with a few operating systems. I'm not really looking for a new operating system to use all the time, just something that'd be fun to play around with. I've tried about... |
Posted August 1, 2005 8:07:48 PM
seeking OSX user with some time to kill
I'm about to release an open source, cross-platform library, and I'd really like someone to test compilation on OSX for me before I release it. It shouldn't be a problem, but it does use a fair number of libraries that you'd need to have ready.... |
Posted July 18, 2005 3:10:33 AM
Simple 2D Game Proposal
This is a little bit of a weird request essentially I want someone to work with me to use a new API to write whatever game they want, if you're interested please take the time to read it and feel free to ask questions. I'm posting this here to get a... |
Posted July 4, 2005 12:50:31 AM
Bitmap fonts & bitmap font generators (SOLVED)
It's come time for me to revamp my font engine in OpenGL for an upcoming project. I am currently using bitmapped fonts but I really hate them. After a good day or so of screwing with FTGL and a few other half-baked libraries I think I've settled &#... |
Posted June 29, 2005 12:08:33 AM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
GLFT_Font problem
Thanks for PMing me, I haven't posted on gamedev in a long time but glad to try and help out.
First, tell me, are you linking against the .cpp file? |
Posted August 12, 2008 10:52:02 PM
development in non-C++ languages
Thanks to everyone who has been replying, I appreciate it.
I've been asked to talk about what I'm planning, which is fair, although I'm not 100% on what it is just yet, so bear with me:
In day to day development I use about 90% C++, 10% Py... |
Posted December 12, 2005 8:25:55 AM
College students, post your spring schedules!
Quote:Original post by Rixter
Quote:Original post by ManaStone
If you're Software Engineering course is anything like mine, you are going to be in for an exhausting semester.
Or if it's like mine you'll come out of it feeling like you just was... |
Posted December 9, 2005 3:43:27 PM
College students, post your spring schedules!
Taking a bit of an overload this quarter
Software Engineering
Fundamentals of CS Theory (Grad Level)
Ethics in the Information Age
Constitutional Rights and Liberties
Intro to Psych (self instruction)
also Lab Instruction for CS4
all in al... |
Posted December 9, 2005 1:32:39 PM
TTF fonts in OpenGL
It's not really that hard to write your own using _the_ TTF reading library, Freetype. I've written a small solution that you can use or just learn from, GLFT_Font |
Posted December 7, 2005 9:47:19 PM
OpenGL text
I've written a small solution using Freetype, feel free to use it or learn from it GLFT_Font. |
Posted December 3, 2005 1:01:06 AM
Live CD with good Partition Program (with GUI)
I always use SystemRescueCD it's Linux based but extremely powerful (and yes it supports NTFS, I use it rather often to resize my NTFS partitions) |
Posted November 26, 2005 9:48:21 PM
One Week/One Button 2 Winners: Trapper Zoid and scgrn
It's probably a little late to start but I think I might give it a try since it sounds fun.
I'm traveling almost all day on the 19th, so I basically have 2 days to work on it. (Today/Sunday)
I already have a better graphics card 9600... |
Posted November 18, 2005 3:03:15 AM
First program in linux (sigh)
unfortunately naming things test isn't a great idea, there is a program /usr/bin/test that interferes with this, referencing test ./test works, but in general naming programs 'test' isn't recommended due to test.
for more info on the 'test' u... |
Posted November 14, 2005 2:28:08 PM
Post your coding environment
Posted November 13, 2005 8:13:21 PM
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