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FAQ - GDNet Lounge
The rules:
  • No spamming, astroturfing or referral spamming. You will be banned (at best, suspended) regardless of your posting history.
  • Please, no "whine" threads.
  • The Lounge is not an RSS; if you post a news item or a link I want some intelligent discussion attached to it. "This is all the fault of the [political party]" doesn't count. Try to draw out deeper meaning; give the reader some meat to think about and reply to.
  • Obviously nothing racist, homophobic, sexist, pornographic, illegal or otherwise abusive; the Lounge is no kinder on violators of The Rules than any other forum is.
  • As my predecessor said, "Additionally, arguing with staff or moderators about rules in any forum (especially over semantics) like some wannabe defense lawyer is considered trolling. We make the rules. If you want to interpret the rules differently, that's fine, just realize your interpretation is irrelevant."
  • If you're a brand new user and you're posting tech support questions, your thread will be locked. GDNet does not exist for tech support; please consider another forum.

Finally, have fun with the Lounge. It should be cheerful and make us feel like a community instead of being a place for the airing of grievances and endless debate.

Your friendly new Lounge Moderator.

All times are ET (US)

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