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FAQ - Image of the Day
What is the Image of the Day?

The Image of the Day is a showcase of developer images submitted by our members. Every day one image is selected and featured on our front page.

What kind of images can I post?

The Image of the Day is for screenshots of your projects in development or completed. This may include games, tools, models, art, research, and demos. If you have permission, you can also post images of industry events, new technologies in action and material of interest to game developers.

I've posted an image, why can't I see it in the gallery? Is there a limit to how many images I can submit each day?

Images must first be approved by the moderator. If your image does not appear within 24 hours you can contact him or her for assistance. You can submit as many images as you want, but it is up to the moderator to approve them.

When will my image be featured on the front page ("Image of the Day")?

After they are approved all images appear in the gallery, and for a short time will also appear on the front page as minor thumbnails below the Image of the Day. The moderator then selects images suitable for the Image of the Day and places them into a queue. These are then featured as the Image of the Day in roughly the same order that they were submitted.

How do you decide which images are suitable for Image of the Day?

Images are selected based on the quality of the submitted screenshots (the main image in particular), their interest level for’s audience, and the length and quality of the text describing the image. A written description will greatly increase your chances of being featured.

Additionally, providing several images in your submission will improve the chances that your submission will receive comments and be enqueued for the Image of the Day. Please make sure that you demonstrate varied content in the additional images.

What are common reasons for rejection?
  • Low quality writeup -- Tell us more about your game than just a few sentences. Talk about the techniques behind the screenshots, a little bit about yourself, or where you plan to take the game in the future.
  • Very simple screenshots -- In general, we reject screenshots of purely text-based games. Screenshots with obviously low-quality programmer art (such as coloured boxes) and little polish will also be rejected, unless they are demonstrating a compelling technical concept.
  • Sideways image -- The IOTD software asks for a maximum size of 768x1024 pixels for the featured image only. If you submit a normal screenshot rotated sideways, it will generally be rejected. Scale your image down to the given extents so it is still easily viewable by a human being.
  • "Collage" -- While we will accept these if there is nothing else in the queue, submitting a collage of images as your featured image makes it difficult for viewers to distinguish the individual images. Additionally, collages are unappealing when viewed as a thumbnail image. Submit the collage's content as several discrete images to ensure that you receive quality comments.
  • Overload -- If there has been a recent rash of a type of image (e.g. cloud renderers), it is likely that your image will be passed up for a more novel one. If this occurs, simply submit again later.
  • New Member -- While this is rare, commercial publishers have attempted to use the IOTD to promote their commercial products. This is contrary to the purpose of the IOTD as promoting the work of GDNet members, so commercial projects will generally be rejected unless the submitter has been constructively active on the forum previously.

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