Not to be confused with the creator of the comic strip Dilbert, Scott Adams was one of the pioneers of the text adventure genre. The first text adventure he wrote was titled "Adventureland." He still is a creator of text adventures to this day.
A list of suggested prefixes to variable and function names created by Charles Simonyi. There are different versions for both Visual Basic and Visual C++.
b - boolean operator
by - byte (unsigned char)
c - char
cx / cy - size stored in a short
dw - DWORD; double word, unsigned long
fn - function
h - handle
i - integer
l - long
n - short int
p - pointer
s - string
sz - ASCIIZ string terminated with a zero (null-terminated)
w - WORD (unsigned int)
x, y - short used as coordinates
These can be combined in many cases. For instance, lpsz - long pointer to a null-terminated ASCII string.
Visual Basic (almost all Visual Basic notations are three letters long):
bln - Boolean
chk - Check box
cbo - Combo box
cmd - Command button
cur - Currency
dtm - Date/Time (variant)
dlg - Dialog Box (also used for common dialog control)
dbl - Double (double-precision float)
frm - Form
fra - Frame
hsb - Horizontal scroll bar
img - Image box
int - Integer
lbl - Label
lst - List box
lng - Long
mnu - Menu
opt - Option (radio) button
pic - Picture box
shp - Shape or Line
sng - Single
str - String
txt - Text box
vnt - Variant
vsb - Vertical scroll bar
Lorne Lanning is one of the creators of the PlayStation's "Abe's Oddysse" [sic] and "Abe's Exoddus." He is one of the loudest detractors of the PlayStation2, and is the creator of "Munch's Oddysee."
One of the designers of the original Quake and Doom games, is now mostly known for the critical fiasco of Daikatana. His early work, especially the Chulthu-style Quake levels, is still widely regarded as one of the best works of the period.
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