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Contributions by cowsarenotevil
Artificial Neural Net: A structure based on several weighted nodes used to process inputs. Particularly useful to Artificial Intelligence, because they aren't perfectly precise, and can be "trained" in a more realistic fashion.
nVidia's (relatively) simple shader language. It's currently one of the most commonly used shader languages, and it supports OpenGL and Direct3D even on non-nVidia cards. Toolkit and information can be found at www.developer.nvidia.com
A popular free IDE (Integrated Develpment Environment) for varius C++ compilers. Comes packaged with the MinGW compiler but can be used with almost any command-line compiler.
The OpenGL Auxillary Library. A library including functions to load textures and do other common tasks. It is no longer supported or updated, but it is still used for many beginning OpenGL tutorials.
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) Cable
Not to be confused with, "Integrated Development Environment," this cable connects varius drives to the motherboard allowing data to quickly get from one to the other. It is generally shaped like a ribbon, though round IDE cables do exist.
The model format used in Quake II. Supports vertex interpolation for animation.
Quake III model format. Supports complete skeletal animation.
A windowed operating system that can be booted an run entirely from a floppy disk. It is possible to run this operating system with no hard drive at all by saving to the ram "disk." It comes with an HTTP server, assembler, note pad-like application, and 3D maze game, along with other things, all fitting on the floppy along with the entire operating system. (WWW)
Milkshape 3D
A popular 3D modelling package. It was originally made for modding games, and can export and import a wide variety of popular game formats. It supports textures and texture coordinate mapping very well, and has a nice SDK. The registered version is currently $25. http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/
The native format for the Milkshape 3D modelling package. It supports texture coords, normals, skeletal animation among other things.
An older Alias/Wavefront(creators of Maya) format. It's generally used for ease of loading and simplicity. No animation; ascii.
The Periferal Componet Interconnect BUS is used for all types of hardware components, including (non-AGP) video cards, sound cards, extra ports, and others. The slots (generally 3 to 5) are located in the lower left portion of the motherboard (under the AGP BUS) and are white or gray.
Wings 3D
An increasingly popular free modeling utility. It has a very nice interface, and doesn't take much time to learn. It's good for both high and low polygon models, but is not particularly well suited for entire scenes or rooms. http://www.wings3d.com/

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