Contributions by Ernest Pazera |
Artifacts |
In graphics, persistent portions of images resulting from improper blitting operations. |
Binary Operator |
An operator(like +, -, *, or /) that take two operands. |
Bitwise Operators |
Operators (such as And, Or, Not, and Xor) that do operations on the bits of an integeral type.
Modification by Michael Tanczos
C/C++ : A & B
Truth Table
0 1
0 | 0 0
1 | 0 1
Translation: Yields true if A and B are true
C/C++ : A | B
Truth Table
0 1
0 | 0 1
1 | 1 1
Translation: Yields true if either A or
B is true
C/C++ : ~B
NOT is an operator which negates a bit value
C/C++ : A ^ B
Truth Table
0 1
0 | 0 1
1 | 1 0
Translation: Yields true if A and B are different
Cathode Ray Tube. A raster display consisting of an electron gun (Cathode) that fires charged particles (electrons) at a thin film of phosphorus, thus exciting the phosphor and causing it to emit light. |
Ghost Images |
Another term for Phosphor Persistence. |
Grayscaling |
An algorithm by which a color is converted into a shade of gray(where R, G, and B are all equal), usually by weighting each of the R, G, and B components by certain percentages. |
Object Oriented Programming. The paragidm that models data and the functions that operate on that data together(in classes or object types) rather than separately(as functions and variables). |
Paradigm |
A model or pattern. Specifically in programming, the way in which your code is organized, be it functional, modular, or object oriented. |
Phosphor Persistence |
Also called "Ghost Images". The after image of an moving object that is displayed on a black or mostly black background. A result of the time that it takes for the phosphor layer of a CRT to go from an excited state to a ground state. Not to be confused with artifacts. |
Scan Conversion |
Method by which a graphical object (such as a line, circle, ellipse, etc) is converted from its algebraic equation into its approximate representation on a raster display. |
Unary Operator |
Operators that take only one operand, like Not, the minus sign, and the plus sign. |
Vertical Retrace |
In a CRT, this is the time during which the electron gun is repositioning itself from the lower right to the upper left. It is during this time that proper page flipping is done, so that smooth, tear free animation can be done. |