Listing 1. Perspective Texture Mapper
struct POINT3D {
float X, Y, Z;
float U, V;
void TextureMapTriangle( BITMAPINFO const *pDestInfo,
BYTE *pDestBits, POINT3D const *pVertices,
BITMAPINFO const *pTextureInfo,
BYTE *pTextureBits );
/******** structures, inlines, and function declarations **********/
struct gradients {
gradients( POINT3D const *pVertices );
float aOneOverZ[3]; // 1/z for each vertex
float aUOverZ[3]; // u/z for each vertex
float aVOverZ[3]; // v/z for each vertex
float dOneOverZdX, dOneOverZdY; // d(1/z)/dX, d(1/z)/dY
float dUOverZdX, dUOverZdY; // d(u/z)/dX, d(u/z)/dY
float dVOverZdX, dVOverZdY; // d(v/z)/dX, d(v/z)/dY
struct edge {
edge(gradients const &Gradients,
POINT3D const *pVertices,
int Top, int Bottom );
inline int Step( void );
float X, XStep; // fractional x and dX/dY
int Y, Height; // current y and vert count
float OneOverZ, OneOverZStep; // 1/z and step
float UOverZ, UOverZStep; // u/z and step
float VOverZ, VOverZStep; // v/z and step
inline int edge::Step( void ) {
X += XStep; Y++; HeightĄ;
UOverZ += UOverZStep; VOverZ += VOverZStep;
OneOverZ += OneOverZStep;
return Height;
void DrawScanLine( BITMAPINFO const *pDestInfo,
BYTE *pDestBits, gradients const &Gradients,
edge *pLeft, edge *pRight,
BITMAPINFO const *pTextureInfo, BYTE *pTextureBits );
/******** TextureMapTriangle **********/
void TextureMapTriangle( BITMAPINFO const *pDestInfo,
BYTE *pDestBits, POINT3D const *pVertices,
BITMAPINFO const *pTextureInfo,
BYTE *pTextureBits )
int Top, Middle, Bottom;
int MiddleCompare, BottomCompare;
float Y0 = pVertices[0].Y;
float Y1 = pVertices[1].Y;
float Y2 = pVertices[2].Y;
// sort vertices in y
if(Y0 < Y1) {
if(Y2 < Y0) {
Top = 2; Middle = 0; Bottom = 1;
MiddleCompare = 0; BottomCompare = 1;
} else {
Top = 0;
if(Y1 < Y2) {
Middle = 1; Bottom = 2;
MiddleCompare = 1; BottomCompare = 2;
} else {
Middle = 2; Bottom = 1;
MiddleCompare = 2; BottomCompare = 1;
} else {
if(Y2 < Y1) {
Top = 2; Middle = 1; Bottom = 0;
MiddleCompare = 1; BottomCompare = 0;
} else {
Top = 1;
if(Y0 < Y2) {
Middle = 0; Bottom = 2;
MiddleCompare = 3; BottomCompare = 2;
} else {
Middle = 2; Bottom = 0;
MiddleCompare = 2; BottomCompare = 3;
gradients Gradients(pVertices);
edge TopToBottom(Gradients,pVertices,Top,Bottom);
edge TopToMiddle(Gradients,pVertices,Top,Middle);
edge MiddleToBottom(Gradients,pVertices,Middle,Bottom);
edge *pLeft, *pRight;
int MiddleIsLeft;
// the triangle is clockwise, so
// if bottom > middle then middle is right
if(BottomCompare > MiddleCompare) {
MiddleIsLeft = 0;
pLeft = &TopToBottom; pRight = &TopToMiddle;
} else {
MiddleIsLeft = 1;
pLeft = &TopToMiddle; pRight = &TopToBottom;
int Height = TopToMiddle.Height;
while(HeightĄ) {
TopToMiddle.Step(); TopToBottom.Step();
Height = MiddleToBottom.Height;
if(MiddleIsLeft) {
pLeft = &MiddleToBottom; pRight = &TopToBottom;
} else {
pLeft = &TopToBottom; pRight = &MiddleToBottom;
while(HeightĄ) {
MiddleToBottom.Step(); TopToBottom.Step();
/********** gradients constructor **********/
gradients::gradients( POINT3D const *pVertices )
int Counter;
float OneOverdX = 1 /(((pVertices[1].X - pVertices[2].X) *
(pVertices[0].Y - pVertices[2].Y)) -
((pVertices[0].X - pVertices[2].X) *
(pVertices[1].Y - pVertices[2].Y)));
float OneOverdY = -OneOverdX;
for(Counter = 0;Counter < 3;Counter++) {
float const OneOverZ = 1/pVertices[Counter].Z;
aOneOverZ[Counter] = OneOverZ;
aUOverZ[Counter] = pVertices[Counter].U * OneOverZ;
aVOverZ[Counter] = pVertices[Counter].V * OneOverZ;
dOneOverZdX = OneOverdX * (((aOneOverZ[1] - aOneOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].Y - pVertices[2].Y)) -
((aOneOverZ[0] - aOneOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].Y - pVertices[2].Y)));
dOneOverZdY = OneOverdY * (((aOneOverZ[1] - aOneOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].X - pVertices[2].X)) -
((aOneOverZ[0] - aOneOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].X - pVertices[2].X)));
dUOverZdX = OneOverdX * (((aUOverZ[1] - aUOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].Y - pVertices[2].Y)) -
((aUOverZ[0] - aUOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].Y - pVertices[2].Y)));
dUOverZdY = OneOverdY * (((aUOverZ[1] - aUOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].X - pVertices[2].X)) -
((aUOverZ[0] - aUOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].X - pVertices[2].X)));
dVOverZdX = OneOverdX * (((aVOverZ[1] - aVOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].Y - pVertices[2].Y)) -
((aVOverZ[0] - aVOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].Y - pVertices[2].Y)));
dVOverZdY = OneOverdY * (((aVOverZ[1] - aVOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[0].X - pVertices[2].X)) -
((aVOverZ[0] - aVOverZ[2]) *
(pVertices[1].X - pVertices[2].X)));
/********** edge constructor ***********/
edge::edge( gradients const &Gradients,
POINT3D const *pVertices, int Top, int Bottom )
Y = ceil(pVertices[Top].Y);
int YEnd = ceil(pVertices[Bottom].Y);
Height = YEnd - Y;
float YPrestep = Y - pVertices[Top].Y;
float RealHeight = pVertices[Bottom].Y - pVertices[Top].Y;
float RealWidth = pVertices[Bottom].X - pVertices[Top].X;
X = ((RealWidth * YPrestep)/RealHeight) + pVertices[Top].X;
XStep = RealWidth/RealHeight;
float XPrestep = X - pVertices[Top].X;
OneOverZ = Gradients.aOneOverZ[Top] +
YPrestep * Gradients.dOneOverZdY +
XPrestep * Gradients.dOneOverZdX;
OneOverZStep = XStep *
Gradients.dOneOverZdX + Gradients.dOneOverZdY;
UOverZ = Gradients.aUOverZ[Top] +
YPrestep * Gradients.dUOverZdY +
XPrestep * Gradients.dUOverZdX;
UOverZStep = XStep *
Gradients.dUOverZdX + Gradients.dUOverZdY;
VOverZ = Gradients.aVOverZ[Top] +
YPrestep * Gradients.dVOverZdY +
XPrestep * Gradients.dVOverZdX;
VOverZStep = XStep *
Gradients.dVOverZdX + Gradients.dVOverZdY;
/********** DrawScanLine ************/
void DrawScanLine( BITMAPINFO const *pDestInfo,
BYTE *pDestBits, gradients const &Gradients,
edge *pLeft, edge *pRight,
BITMAPINFO const *pTextureInfo,
BYTE *pTextureBits )
// we assume dest and texture are top-down
int DestWidthBytes =
(pDestInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth + 3) & ~3;
int TextureWidthBytes =
(pTextureInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth + 3) & ~3;
int XStart = ceil(pLeft->X);
float XPrestep = XStart - pLeft->X;
pDestBits += pLeft->Y * DestWidthBytes + XStart;
int Width = ceil(pRight->X) - XStart;
float OneOverZ = pLeft->OneOverZ +
XPrestep * Gradients.dOneOverZdX;
float UOverZ = pLeft->UOverZ +
XPrestep * Gradients.dUOverZdX;
float VOverZ = pLeft->VOverZ +
XPrestep * Gradients.dVOverZdX;
if(Width > 0) {
while(WidthĄ) {
float Z = 1/OneOverZ;
int U = UOverZ * Z;
int V = VOverZ * Z;
*(pDestBits++) = *(pTextureBits + U +
(V * TextureWidthBytes));
OneOverZ += Gradients.dOneOverZdX;
UOverZ += Gradients.dUOverZdX;
VOverZ += Gradients.dVOverZdX;
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Date this article was posted to 7/16/1999
(Note that this date does not necessarily correspond to the date the article was written)
See Also:
Texture Mapping
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