VI. Object: class Quaternion

VI.A Description:

A scalar and an HVector that encapsulate rotations

VI.B Data Members:

VI.B.1 Private Data Members
Type            Name            (Description)
double          s               (scalar)
HVector         v               (vector)

VI.B.2 Public Data Members
Type            Name            (Description)
int             error           (Error flag, non-zero value is an error
                                 found in qmv_errno.h or errno.h)

VI.C Function Members:

VI.C.1 Constructors:
Name:           Arguments               (Description)
Quaternion      void                    (identity rotation
                                        s = 0, v = 1,0,0)
Quaternion      double a,               (Quaternion s = a, v = [b,c,d])
                double b,
                double c,
                double d
Quaternion      Quaternion &w           (copy of w)
Quaternion      Quaternion *w           (copy of Quaternion pointed at by w)
Quaternion      double a,               (Quaternion s = a, v = b)
                HVector &b
Quaternion      double *w               (Quaternion filled with w)
Quaternion      Euler &e                (Convert Euler Rotation to Quaternion)
Quaternion      Radians &theta,         (Convert Axes/Angle to Quaternion)
                Axes axis
Quaternion      Radians theta,          (Convert Vector/Angle to Quaternion)
                HVector &b
Quaternion      Radians &theta,         (Convert double*/Angle to Quaternion)
                double *b
Quaternion      HMatrix &M              (Convert Rotation Matrix to

VI.C.2 Operators:
Return Type     Operator        Arguments       (Description)
Quaternion&     -               void            (unary negative)
Quaternion&     ~               void            (conjugate (rotation in
                                                the opposite direction)
                                                Note the conjugate of
                                                ~(a*b) = ~a * ~b. So the
                                                conjugate of a composite
                                                rotation is not the inverse
                                                of the rotations)
void            =               Quaternion &w   (copies w)
double&         []              int i           (references element i,
                                                you may set or get the value
                                                of element i, Element 0 is
                                                the scalar, Elements 1-3
                                                are the Vector.
VI.C.3 Functions:
Return Type     Name            Arguments       (Description)
void            print           void            (print the elements)
void            rotate          Axes axis,      (Coordinate rotate the
                                Radians theta   Quaternion around axis
                                                by theta radians)

VI.C.4 Destructors:

~Quaternion             (Required to release allocated memory)

VI.D Friends:

VI.D.1 Operators:
Return Type     Operator        Arguments       (Description)
Quaternion&     +               Quaternion& A,  (A + B)
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion&     -               Quaternion& A,  (A - B)
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion&     *               Quaternion& A,  (A * B (adds A rotation to B)
                                Quaternion& B   (Note that A*B = B*A is
                                                not always true ))
Quaternion      >>              Quaternion& A,  (A * ~B)
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion      <<              Quaternion& A,  (~A * B)
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion&     *               HVector& a,     (a * B (Intermediate step))
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion&     *               Quaternion& A,  (A * b (Intermediate step))
                                HVector& b
double          ^               Quaternion& A,  (~A * B (inner product))
                                Quaternion& B
Quaternion&     *               Euler& a,       (Prepend a rotation to B
                                Quaternion& B   Quaternion rotations are
                                                the reverse order of Matrix
Quaternion&     *               Quaternion& A,  (Append b rotation to A)
                                Euler& b

VI.D.2 Functions:
Return Type     Name            Arguments       (Description)
void            HMatrix::HMatrix Quaternion&    (Convert Quaternion
                                                to a rotation Matrix)
HVector&        HVector::operator= Quaternion&  (Copy Quaternion to Vector)

VI.E Example Code

Quaternion a; // s = 1, v = 0
Degrees alpha(30.0);
Euler eta(alpha,Z_AXIS);
Quaternion b(eta);

Vector x;
x[0] = 1.000; // x is the i unit vector [1,0,0]
Vector y;

y = b * x * ~b; // rotate x 30 degrees counter-clockwise (+) around the Z axis
y = ~b * x * b; // rotate x 30 degrees clockwise (-) around the Z axis

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Date this article was posted to 7/16/1999
(Note that this date does not necessarily correspond to the date the article was written)

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