![]() The results are in... posted 4/2 at 1:33:43 PM PST by Dave DrewBest Lecture Attended: DirectX Developer Day tutorial. The bag was so worth it :)
Best Swag Item: The DirectX bag
Coolest Expo Booth: Renderware's veil of secrecy just generated an aura of coolness.
Best GDC Moment: Meeting Peter Molyneux for all of 5 minutes and exchanging business cards
Best Party: Microsoft's DirectX party. Read my report. It rocked the house.
Coolest Expo Moment: Seeing Dan and Josh Goldstein, along with Mike Legrand (all from Shizmoo Games) boxing by their IGF kiosk with big inflated boxing gloves Most Missed Exhibitor: GarageGames. They were technically a part of the NVIDIA booth this year, but their booth last year was way cool Most Missed Expo Prize: PCs. Now companies are giving away mother boards and chipsets. Whatever happened to the full pc??? (a la Intel and AMD 2002) Coolest Expo Product: Ergodex's customizable keyboard thingy. I don't know if I'll be buying one anytime soon at $150 a pop, but the idea is pretty novel Best Improvement to the GDCA's: Having StrongBad guest-star
Best Booth Advertising for Someone Else: For some mysterious reason, a stack of GDNet information flyers appeared on the counter at the Gamasutra booth. We didn't have anything to do with this. We swear. Best Company to Make a Future Appearance at GDC: Alienware. They still haven't started pimping their game developer program to any extent as far as I know, and if they want to target game developers to buy their PCs, where better place to go?? NickBest Lecture Attended: John Gaeta, guy in charge of the Matrix movie's special effects. Way cool guy, lots of insight into effects (and relevant to games, to my surprise), just wish he had had more time to really get into everything. Could easily have been an all-day session, and IMO, SHOULD have been. Why were all the really COOL sessions cut short?
Best Swag Item: Dunno if it was the best, but it was my favorite: Mobile developers Kayak Interactive were giving out clear, glass pool balls w/ their logo inside. Very spiffy.
Coolest Expo Booth: ATI's: those blow-up chairs not only looked cool and attracted attention, but they were comfy. I want a few or 20.
Best GDC Moment: Getting to meet Ed Logg, creator of the original Gauntlet!!
Best Party: Didn't get to many, but Kayak wins again. Met lots of very cool people.
Most Missed Exhibitor: Caligari. I really think they should have been there to push gameSpace. They say it's not their market, but I say if GarageGames was showing - and they were, sort of - then that means that their target market was there, as gameSpace exports pretty well to GarageGames' Torque engine. Speaking of Indie game development tools, I would have like to have seen Conitec, BlitzBasic3D, DarkBASIC Pro showing as well, even if in smaller booths down by the recruiters. Most Missed Expo Prize: Dunno. Was my first GDC expo. But hell, if they were giving away PCs previously, why not this year? Only costs those giving them away the price of shipping to the show, I'm sure. Coolest Expo Product: The new BodyPaint3D program from Maxon looks badass. So does the new version of Virtools. And so does Qualcomm/ATI's new mobile 3D chipset. And so did Meqon's Havok-beating physics engine. And so did Sketch3D, a real-time 3D modeling/animation/rendering tool for architectural previz, that also exports to the Unreal engine level format. Expect to see reviews of BodyPaint3D, Virtools, and potentially Meqon's physics engine on GameDev.Net soon. Best Expo Event: The Audio G.A.N.G. Awards. Audio G.A.N.G. is a wonderful idea, and a great way to stabilize pricing for audio/music in games. Plus, a great way, through the awards, to bring attention to those selfless individuals and/or teams that dedicate their entire lives to something that is all-too often overlooked in game design & development. Seeing the team of LoudLouderLoudest, game and mobile audio development company extraordinairre (http://www.loudlouderloudest.com), performing their Retro Game Medley v2.0, which received loud applause both during and after they performed it, along w/ a much-deserved standing ovation. Expect to see an interview w/ them on GameDev.Net soon. Also, seeing that mobile audio was given an award was nice, as was having the Lifetime Achievment Award in Game Audio given to a very deserving and all-around great guy, Rob Hubbard, Commodore 64 and newer platform uber-musician. Next year, I better see Bobby Prince win, though!
Best "Booth Babe": Can't really call them "Booth Babes," exactly, but those sweet, adorable little honeys helping to keep the Press Room running, in order, and stocked with goodies for us greedy press members; despite my deep-seeded dislike - nay, hatred - of California and all that it stands for (plastic people, selfish people and worst of all non-smoking people - and no offense to the non-plastic/selfish but still non-smoking members of the GDNet team living there!), I slightly - very slightly - regret moving away from a place where the hot girl:ugly girl ratio is weighted more heavily towards the hot (though too often plastic and thus no-longer-hot-but-not-exactly-ugly) side of the equation than, say, everywhere else in the country minus Orlando/Miami/Austin. JohnBest Lecture: The 8-hour casual games summit on day two. While the "summit" lectures are a mixed bag by definition, the goods in this one far outweighed the bads. 'Twas inspiring to see that small stuff can still be both high-quality and successful. Worst Lecture: I didn't attend one. I made it a point only to attend good lectures this year. Life's too short to hang around during bad lectures. Best Freebie: Prima/Premier/Course/Thompson/Cougar/Mellencamp's pens. Downright classy they are. Best Expo Booth: TryMedia. They didn't have anything flashy, but they did have lots of good information and were happy to sit with you in their comfy couch and answer all your questions. On top of that, they had four sponsored sessions on computer security and piracy on Wednesday that were genuinely informative and weren't just infomercials for their products. Worst Expo Booth: Nokia. Basically the same booth as last year, starring N-Gage everywhere. After such a weak product launch, you'd think they'd wanna push the N-Gage's sequel that fixes the original's problems. I finally got a chance to play one for a length of time, and I must say the complaints are justified. The screen is small, the graphics choppy, and the hardware can't seem to handle pressing more than one button at a time so doing something like shooting your car-mounted gun requires you to release the accelerator key. Most Mysterious Expo Booth: RenderWare. They tied Intel for biggest booth, but you couldn't see anything. It was just a giant silver box with a desk on one end with a couple of people ushering invite-ees inside. I didn't see an exit, so I presume that invite-ees were knocked unconscious with giant clown-hammers, cryogenically frozen, and beamed to alien overlords on Blaxfarg IV for use as slaves and food. Worst Freebie: Sony Ericsson/Metrowerks hat. Despite attending their last lecture where they gave out 20 free Java game-phones to an audience of approximately 23 people, and despite having Metrowerks' head Java cellphone technology manager (who was my coworker for two years) in attendance, and despite showing said manager a completed game that he agreed would be PERFECT for play on the aforementioned game-phones, and despite being probably the only person in the audience who would not only remove the aforementioned game-phone from the box but would actually develop a game on the aforementioned game-phone, and despite being promised to be put on the development tools reviewer program and be sent a development game-phone the previous year, I got a hat. And I never wear hats. To quote Ferris Beuller, "how's that for being born under a bad sign". Worst Party: Microsoft XBox hospitality suite. It was about the only thing resembling a party that I attended. Hot very crowded hospitality suite crammed with people playing a couple of apparently new XBox games. I left after five minutes, but I did get a free beer, so it wasn't a total washout. Best Party and Food: Prima/Premier/Course/Whatever's event at Gordon Biersch. Plenty of tasty snacks and beer for everyone. I only regret that I got an attack of the sleepies and went home early. Worst Food: The GDC box lunches. It may be selective memory, but I don't remember the sandwiches being this soggy in previous years. Also baklava isn't supposed to have green stuff in it. Ewwww. Most Pretentious: Person in ticket booth for XBox party. MS apparently had three or four XBox parties and didn't make it clear which was which. When I asked the ticket booth person if I needed a ticket, she just stared at the floor. When I asked if I was on her little list, she mumbled "did you get a letter?" without taking her eyes off the floor. When I said that I recalled no letter because Dave supposedly set up the invite a couple of days earlier, she said "then you're not on the list", again without taking her eyes off the floor. Luckily Dave walked by right then, so I had a good chance to have a loud "not for Dave's benefit" conversation with him about how Microsoft apparently shuffles troublesome employees to trade-show booths where they can get out their frustrations at the world by acting like snobs. Dunno if it helped, but it was cathartic. Best Event: The IGF and student showcase. The nominees, not the awards. Virtually all of 'em were terrific products and showed off what kind of good stuff could be done on a limited budget. Worst Event: The Game Developers Choice Awards. Virtually every award went to a World War II shooter (a genre that apparently stays fresh with every release) or a remake/sequel of an older game. If these are the kind of games that are voted on by game developers as the best of the year, I can see why the industry is troubled. I'd rather play the IGF games over any of 'em. Funniest Event: The NAVIGATR awards. It was the only awards show that threatened to have more presenters than audience members. When I was in attendance, the audience outnumbered presenters three to two. . .literally three audience members. But it did give an award for "best voiceover" to Adam West, and any awards show that gives an award to Adam West is okay in my book. If only Adam was there to accept, I could have gone to my grave knowing that I'd done it all. David MichaelBest thing about GDC 2004: The percentage of women attending had jumped significantly since 2002. And the number of women *programmers* seems to have gone up, as well. Worst thing about GDC 2004: On one hand, Microsoft sponsored the Women Celebrating Women in Gaming event...and on the other, featured a 9-foot tall piece of gravity-defying, film noir cheesecake and a party called "Risque Cafe". The hell? RonBest:
2: Will Wright
The conference definitely could have used more cowbell. As for the worst? The Microsoft Party on Wednesday night. That was pretty lame and boring. TiffanyBest Swag Item: The Everquest Trilogy with a month free!
Coolest Expo Booth: Renderware.
Best GDC Moment: Meeting and getting chance to hang out with some of the Interplay entertainment lot, what a great bunch of guys!
Best Party: Microsoft's XBOX party, I didn't get chance to do a report on it but it was brilliant, they had an excellent 40's theme (I think), women dancing in cages, tons of food, a free massage area. I even heard there were monitors in the guys bathrooms with a woman talking to you, saying funny things and complimenting you on your assets (if you know what I mean). Flashing Xbox cocktail glasses, glowing ice cubes girls walking around with Polaroid cameras and models posing for pictures added a great touch. Fantastic party!