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The Elements


Your game must heavily feature, or make a clear effort to evoke in the player, a particular feeling or Emotion, or the concept of Emotion(s) in general. For example, you could have your game try and evoke fear in the player, or set your game in a world fuelled by greed.


Your gameplay must include some element of Economics, of trade, of buying and selling. This could be as simple as buying weapons and ammo between levels, or as complex as the modelling of a full supply-and-demand driven market system.


Your game must include some kind of highly recognisable symbol or Emblem integrated into the gameplay or story. For example, it might be the symbol of an ancient alien race that the player is investigating, or a special mouse gesture they need to draw.


Your game must be set in, over, around, or under Europe. It can be past, present, or future, and it can be anywhere in Europe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How is 'Europe' defined? Which countries are included?

If you really need it, here is a rough map of countries you can use. What's most important is that you justify your location as being in Europe - you can mess with things like country boundaries provided that you explain what you're doing. However, to ensure that your entry is within acceptable parameters, it's recommended that you don't mess with things too much.

Q. If a game is set in multiple places, is it sufficient if just one of them is in Europe?

The majority of the game must be set in Europe. You could, for example, play a CIA agent sent to investigate something in Europe; the first level might be set in the CIA office in the USA, while the rest of the game is in Europe. Only having a single European level amongst 10 will not be sufficient.

Q. Can I set my game in a famous stock exchange or have it star a famous economist to get the Economics element?

No. You need to include some element of trade in your gameplay.

Q. Is the normal achievement/frustration range present in most games sufficient for Emotion?

We're looking for things that go above and beyond the usual range experienced by players in something like Tetris. You could maybe pull it off if you made a clear effort to really exaggerate those emotions - excessively congratulate the player for doing well, and really slam them for doing badly.

Q. Can I use an existing symbol/emblem as my Emblem?

Yes, but you will need to clearly attach additional significance to it. An example would be the lambda symbol in Valve's Half-Life 2; the lambda itself is both a greek letter and the symbol for radioactive half-life, but in HL2 it becomes the symbol for the resistance movement as well, often indicating to the player when there are collectable items hidden nearby.

Q. Does the "no AO rated" rule restrict the Emotions I can use?

To some extent, yes; you can't do too much relating to lust and passion. You can suggest and imply a fair amount though...

Q. Is it sufficient to just place my Emblem on loading screens and UI?

No. It must be integrated into the gameplay or story.

Q. Does 'Europe' refer to the continent, or the moon of Jupiter?

It refers to the continent. In English, the moon of Jupiter is called 'Europa' - not Europe.