Small project containing 10 different areas and several characters. Each character will converse with the user through text and has a small HTML file linked to them.
This the base for the game I am currently building. This project contains about ten different area and several character. The character will converse with the user throught text and has a small HTML fils linked to them. The project is very simple at this point, The main purpose of this project is controling data, and accessint the internet. The controls are very simple:
keys'F' turn off fog
key 'E' call the web file/go to internet
key 'T' talk to people
key 'R'
'6' close web connection in the program but not the browser
arrow up move forward
arrow down move back
arrow left rotate left
arrow right rotate right
key'W' look up
key'S' look down
To access a characters' web file move close to the person, when there name displays in purple
press 'E'
you will be asked if you want to go to the web
press 'Y' to go to the web
press 'N' to cancle.
There is fog in some areas that may cause your computer to slow/become jerky
press 'F' to turn off the fog.
1) This program uses the internet when talking to people, so an internet connection is needed.
2) The entire program is run on data file so changing the file will destroy the program
3) The animation and people are based on low level animation and use a low ploygon count after all this is a test to see "if" this program will work, so do not expect to much.
4) There is no fighting just walking around and talking to people
5) The bounderies are very simple at this point, so there will be some jerking, invisable walls and so on.
let me know what you think, I am always open for comments, question and advise