A small Beat-em-up/ Platformer/ Adventure title featuring a fox named Felix. The series in essense is supposed to rely on quick reflex and thinking as opposed to complete hacking and slashing. This is a sort of a light version of whats to come.
Gamedev.net will not let me upload screenshots for some reason so I highly recommend going to the official website for what you want to know.
- Decent sized fighting system
- Timed button events
- 1 or 2 strategic boss fights
- Basic Weapon Use (Currently 1 type)
- Midi Music from www.vgmusic.com
This is a fairly late posting triggered by the nearing release of another upcoming Felix project (the 6th).
The game is about 30 minutes long played straight through with no error. It's also single player which sort of contradicts the subtitle, but it's mostly just of preview of what I'm currently working on.
For more information, more felix games, and other things go to www.FelixFox.com
System Requirements
Windows XP/Vista
Pixel Shader 2.0 Card
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package