Tic-Tac-Toe fit to be placed in the boot sector of a floppy.
Playable on any 386 or compatible - OS doesn't matter since it can run without one.
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I noticed there was a mistake in the WriteTTT batch file that was meant to put the program into the boot sector of a floppy, so I've fixed it and uploaded the correct version.
Original post by jumpjumpjump
I'm too lazy to download, is this in protected mode or real mode?
Real mode. I doubt its possible to fit a protected mode init AND the tic-tac-toe game (As I have it anyways) in the few bytes available on a boot sector.
Original post by Extrarius
I noticed there was a mistake in the WriteTTT batch file that was meant to put the program into the boot sector of a floppy, so I've fixed it and uploaded the correct version.
Apparently the error resurfaced somehow and the zip was reverted to an old version, so I uploaded the fix a second time (hopefully it will stick this time).
I fixed a stupid bug (ShowWinner didn't save AX before calling DrawBoard) and noticed a few places where bytes could be saved so the final DOS executable was reduced in size by 13 bytes and I had enough room in the bootdisk version to extend 'Ext' to ' By Extrarius! ' (the two spaces at the start align it to the beginning of a line if you look at it in a hex editor with 16-character columns).
I had the DOS version to under 400 bytes with a new (much smaller) AI, but it had a bug and I didn't feel like debugging it so I just put the old AI back (minus the 'coin flipper' that would make it randomly select among equally-valued moves).