I have been spending some time programming and I managed to make an asteroids clone(yes another asteroids). it has true vector poligon collition. although there are a few quirks due to the way I desinged the poligons on the ufo. there is also no ufo to ship collition as I left it out on purpose. I am going to fix the sound on the ufo frequency of repetition. but other than that I think it's pretty much complete. I am working on adding the asteroids deluxe combo ship. As soon as I have it working fully I will integrate it to the game. this was made with the intention of sharing.
for any programmer interested I can Email the complete source code upon request. it is programmed in BlitzMax it is not thougroughly documented but it is object modular so it can easily be understood.
System Requirements
Window 98 or Better . Not tested on Vista.
3d Graphics card capable of rendering OGL graphics.
directx 7 or better.