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Developer   FenrirWolf

About: Thumb-blistering arcade action set in a future world ruled by alien-humans!

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Completely and utterly top notch! I love the style and the fast gameplay is great!

  User Rating: 1381   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Excellent execution. Good graphics, faithful-to-genre sound, hillarious theme. One thing, the music could use some work. It's a little... blah.

  User Rating: 1488   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Thanks for the replies!

Capn: I've got a real musician doing the music for version 2.0. I also have a whole new power-up system that works a LOT better and gives the player more freedom to choose the sort of weapon he wants. (Out of three different types, some needed more than others.) I also fixed a lot of the problems on level 1 and toned down the boss a bit. All in all, it's about 2x better than the demo I've shown so far.

I'm about a month away from final release!

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Flawlessly executed old-school shooter. I'm looking forward to the next version!

  User Rating: 1897   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Wow, that was awesome! You really kept it old school too down to the very last effect. Keep it up man!

Michael Tanczos

  User Rating: 2056   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

I'm pumped there's so many people waiting for this game. If none of you mind, I want to add your quotes to my website.

BTW, I just received level 3's music from the musician and I really like it! Still hard at work on finishing the remaining six levels, too.

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Wow, that's great! It all looks very professional. If I had seen a screenshot from this and a text saying it was some old shooter from the beginning of the 90's, I would doubt at all it was true. Very very professional and most important fun! :)
Great job!

  User Rating: 1015   Report this Post to a Moderator 

Oops, I'm the same guy who posted the comment above, just wanted to correct a thing. It's says "would doubt", it should of course say "wouldn't doubt".

  User Rating: 1015   Report this Post to a Moderator 

A bug: if you hold down back then press up, the ship won't move up. Back needs to be released first for that to happen. No problems with other directions.

  User Rating: 1015   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Cheers! Nice "gapingwolf.com" logo, nice graphics (also in Adagio!)

Hehe, yeah, I visited your site. First I thought Yiff-X was some furry pornographic game... go figure :)

Did you draw the fox sprites for it?

  User Rating: 1208   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Nice work! I too love how old school it feels, the cut-scenes, the ships, the boss(es), looks great. Personally, I like the music as well as the sounds. I too had the problem with not being able to move with certain key combinations, but this is a problem with keyboards, not programs. I'm looking forward to playing the final version :)

  User Rating: 1444   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

incogbla: Thanks! I'm reasonable sure it's not due to the input routine but the part that assigns velocities. (I'm using a bit of bias so the ship starts off slow and builds up inertia. Could be something wrong with that.)

Anonymous: That's just what I want to hear. I know there's not much use for retro shooters like this, but I love old games like R-Type, Thunderforce 3/4, Steel Empire and so on.

I know I mentioned this already, but I got help with the music and there's a new sound track. I'm working to get version 2.0 done and released in full. Mostly right now I need to finish up tweaking the levels. I'm decreased the difficulty a bit on normal mode.

Thygyrr, heehee, a get that alot with Yiff-X. And yeah, I drew the little guys! They were a pain to animate...

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Very good demo, I've never seen something of this quality on developer sites for a long while!! Top notch!! My biggest question is, how do you do the art? How do you get it to look so natural? Also, what drawing software do you use?

  User Rating: 1015   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

This is the best game I've ever played from the game developer's network. You sir possess indeniable talent. Keep up the good work :)

  User Rating: 614   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

That was really good! But, it segfaulted when I got to the first boss. :(

  User Rating: 1913   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Okay, I'm waaaaaaaaaaay behind! I wanted to have this finished late last year, but being sick and then some job changes, plus IndieGamesCon slowed down my progress immensely. I want to have the full version done soon, but until then I have decided to release a version 2.00 demo. This is vastly changed from 1.00! Aside from bug fixes, there is new artwork, new music, completely tweaked levels. And best of all, it includes level 2 along with it. I've updated the download link in the Showcase area to reflect version 2.00. (Sorry about the EXE-inside-a-ZIP, but GDS won't let me upload the installer .EXE directly.)

Kylotan: I've found about a half-dozen crashing issues with version 1.00. The only thing I know to suggest is to download v2.00 and try that out!

Tarnge: The art is all hand-drawn using Cosmigo's ProMotion 4.7. (It's an almost exact clone of Deluxe Paint for the PC.) Most of it is drawn by scratch using my ordinary mouse, but the cutscenes and character sketches were done on paper first. Then I scanned them and traced over them in ProMotion. In v2.00, the new cutscene artwork is rendered in Lightwave 8.0.1 using the UnReal celshader plugin; I tried to duplicate the hand-drawn look as much as possible in 3D.

I'd like to thank everybody once again for downloading and trying out Adagio -- and for commenting! Sometimes I don't get to hear what people think about my games (the good and bad), so it's great when people let me know! I'd like to apologize for being so slow in releasing the full version, but as one friend of mine put it -- it's worth the wait. :)

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Wow, that is a cool game. I'm going to make one similar to that for my next project after I complete my current chess project.

  User Rating: 1302   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Yaah! I've ported Adagio over to Mac OSX, so go download it if you want! :)

Even if you aren't a Mac user, check out the Adagio Website because it's been updated! There's spiffy new graphics, and a whole new story!

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

hi FenrirWolf,

can you please tell us a bit of your background? it seems that you are both good in graphics & programming :)


  User Rating: 1015   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 


was just wondering ~ Where did you get the idea to call it "Adagio"?

I'm not sure if you were aware but it means:"slow and leisurely" - rather than "thumb-blistering"

  User Rating: 1020   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

Deepeye: Well, I've been messing around with computers and making video games since '89 or so. I've always been an artist at heart, and I keep dabbling with it over the years though I never do anything much with it. (Outside of my games.)

Gav: Thanks! The name is a misnomer, yes. :) The original game was called Starship Legend, but I decided to change the name when I remodeled the game and fit it into the HalfLight series. However, the Adagio-of-past was MUCH slower in gameplay than the Adagio-of-present. But the name still carried over from version 1.00. I still think it's a kinda neat and unusual name for a shooter, so I kept it.

  User Rating: 1125   |  Rate This User    Send Private MessageView ProfileReport this Post to a Moderator 

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