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Game Development Showcase
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Developer   coldacid

About: A poor attempt at a sci-fi SimCity clone made back in my QuickBasic days.

Game Info How To Play Downloads Comments

How to Play

Game Hints
1. Start off building a power plant, agri-dome, and city (in that order).
2. Build more cities than anything else. Only cities give you a stable population base.
3. Always make sure you have enough money to develop. If you don't, the game will tell you.
4. You can toggle the location checker by pressing the "l" key. It's not that useful unless you are looking for your colony.
5. When you start off, you are always at 26x30 (don't ask me why). Start your colony there, so you don't have to look for it.
6. There are some functions I didn't remove, to assist myself during the playtesting. If you try, you'll find them.

B. Build. Press the 'b' key to call up the Build menu. From the Build Menu, you can choose to build power plants, cities, and more.
F. File. Choose to <l>oad, <s>ave, or just <c>ancel.
L. Locate. Displays the map coodinates of your location.
T. Skip a Turn. Press to skip a turn. That's all.
Esc. Quit. You are prompted to save before it exits.
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