Game Development Showcase
Please offer only constructive criticism. The intent of the GD Showcase is to help the developer create the best game they possibly can. Show them you support their efforts when posting.
 |  rtw1701
Posted - 5/10/2005 1:06:36 AM | Does have builting checking for collision? What I've been looking to do is have it so I have a particle system for beam weapons and such (on space ships) with ability to detect that the beam hit the ship. Another useage would be for repairing ships anyone play homeword or orb games? They allowed some type of ray to shoot at friendly ships to repair the hulls. Any yet another usage is tractor beams to pull/push captured ships to where you want them. If this has these capabilities or could be added, I'd apprecieate. Thanks for your time.
Richard Waterman
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 |  wackatronic
Posted - 5/10/2005 9:34:04 AM | This infuriates me. Not the free source and time to write this app, but the people who look a gift horse in the mouth and want more. Read the source code and modify as you need. If you're programming a game, you should be able to scan the source and do the fixes yourself or would you like a few of us to write your game too, for free?
Now on a more calm note, thank you for giving up your work to help the rest of us out with a particle editor. Thank again and some of us appreciate it.
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 |  Evil Steve Moderator - DirectX and XNA
Posted - 5/10/2005 9:43:20 AM | I don't have any plans to expand the editor any further, but it should be reasonably easy to add collision detection (I was considering doing simple ground intersection tests, but decided not to bother).
The editor is really designed to look nice, and let you play with different textures, blending modes, and colours - it's not designed to be a full particle system class, although it's easy to drop into your own app to get the graphical effect.
You could use the editor to see how many particles you need to get the effect you need, and use that to decide if you want to just test every particle against objects, or do some kind of rough test.
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 |  ehmdjii
Posted - 5/11/2005 5:43:36 AM | awesome!
i wish it were using OpenGL not DX. ;-)
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 |  Evil Steve Moderator - DirectX and XNA
Posted - 5/11/2005 1:38:34 PM | Quote:Original post by ehmdjii
i wish it were using OpenGL not DX. ;-) |
I'm learning OpenGL at the moment (kinda). I'm reading Dave and Kevin's OpenGL book in any spare time, but still working on my terrain renderer in D3D.
I'd like to play with vertex shaders sometime, since I can get much better performance by doing the particle updates in a vertex shader, so long as the particles don't need sorting (which most don't). So that could be interesting to play with.
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 |  ehmdjii
Posted - 8/22/2006 11:51:46 AM | great!
a question though: if i have all red particles and change the background color to white, the particles appear teal (using GL_SRC_ALPHA to GL_ONE)
does anyone know if there is a better blending mode for such a situation? or if there is even another solution to have particles appear with their given color independently of the background color?
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