Game Development Showcase
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Zirconia 2: Battle, version 1.1 |
Developer | xaver |
Genre | Shooter |
Platform | Windows |
Downloads | 353 |
2 players are playing 2D-shooters: you on the left and the computer opponent on the right. You can't interact directly with your opponent, but you use cards to spawn enemies, hazards, and other effects on its side. The object of the game is to make your opponent lose all its health!
At first, the computer AI is not smart at all, but it gets harder as you progress.
Please offer only constructive criticism. The intent of the GD Showcase is to help the developer create the best game they possibly can. Show them you support their efforts when posting.
 |  Skeleton_V@T
Posted - 12/12/2005 12:53:42 PM | Fantastic game!. I can see how many effort you've put into it.
It took me roughly 4 hours to completely beat the extra game , but I've not tried the remaining cards, guess I'll play it again sometime.
Overall it is addictive and quite easy to begin playing. I find the toxin _very_ annoying when fighting the last boss (over 10 replays ) though.
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 |  xaver
Posted - 12/13/2005 2:52:59 AM | Thanks for the feedback 
That's about the average play time one would spend to beat it, even though I can beat it in 1 - 1.5 hours per playthrough (but I'm the designer!)
Yeah, the final round of the last boss is very tough if you're not prepared. Cards that cure negative effects and reflection cards are very useful for that battle. It actually started out much more difficult, but got toned down during the playtesting phase.
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 |  EvDaedalus
Posted - 12/20/2005 8:58:59 AM | An excellent game! I thought it was very addictive and fun to play - and I love the whole creating a deck of cards thing. Great job!
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 |  JoriathLionfort
Posted - 12/23/2005 4:18:35 AM | Even though it wasn't the flashier game entered in the 4E4 contest, it was, without any doubt, the one most fun to play. Or, to put it another way, it was one of the few true games amidst a lot of technical demos... That's quite an amazing concept you have here! A couple criticisms, though: it would be great if you could further manage your deck. And I have the feeling that you do not have all that much impact on the other half of the screen with your cards, at least on the early levels...
A true gem! :) Keep up the good work!!
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 |  Anonymous Poster |
Posted - 7/26/2006 10:00:05 AM | This game is the shizz. I'm wondering if the NeoGeo game Twinkle Star Sprites was any influence on this game? :) But it's a really cool concept and executed rather well. It's just alot of fun to play, and the card aspect adds tons of variety while giving it that "pick up and play" feel. This kind of game is the reason that I like searching freeware sites.
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