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Sudoku Solver (Windows)
Developer   Patbert

About: Solves most sudokus in less than a second and features open and save, copy and paste, three different themes, and 36 premade sudokus (from easy to evil). Includes source.

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How to Play


Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


- Fill a cell: Select the cell on the grid (with mouse or arrow keys) and press a number from 1 to 9 on the keyboard.

- Clear a cell: Select cell and press space, DEL or number 0.

- Clear grid: Click the "Clear" button or select menu option File->New.

- Solve a Sudoku: Enter a valid incomplete sudoku and click the "Solve" button.

- Lock a sudoku: Enter an unsolved sudoku (eg from a newspaper) and then click "Lock", this will stop you from editing those values.

- Save puzzle: Select File->Save As, enter a name and click save.

- Open a puzzle: Select File->Open, select file and click Open

- Copy/Paste entire grid: Select Edit->Copy/Paste or press Ctrl+C/V.

- Change theme: Select View and select the theme you want. The background theme loads the file background.jpg which you can change (also accepts .bmp and .gif).

- Enable/disable watch solving: Select View->Watch Solve. Disabling watch solving will solve puzzles quicker on slow machines.


A simple depth first search is used combined with single candidate matching and is balanced to search cells with lowest number of candidates first. It'll solve most sudokus in a few seconds.


This was developed using RealBasic, which allows me to compile to Windows, Mac, and Linux.


Files are saved as text 9 lines of 9 characters with "." as an unfilled space. Copy and paste use the same format. When pasting or loading a sudoku any character not between numbers 1 to 9 is accepted as a gap.
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