Creating Virtual Worlds
Section 4 - Another Brick in the WallOkay, but there is still that nasty wall! Let's do some destruction! $room2 = cell ( name => "Room 2", size => 16, nowall => aNorth(), ); # line 1 We just tell room 2 that it shouldn't have a wall at the north side. Well, that won't work like you'd expect. Can you guess why? Because room1 still has its wall at the south side. But if we add nowall => aSouth() to room 1, its entire south wall will be left off. That won't look good, since room 1 is much bigger than room 2 and thus we would have a distorted room 1. Two solutions: $room2 = cell ( name => "Room 2", size => 16, nowall => aNorth(), clobberwall => aNorth(), ); # line 1
That's all! Onwards!