This article will discuss how to do write an effective design document concisely with no special tools, and without needing to know UML. It will also discuss why a well written design document is one of the most valuable tools a developer can have when entering a new project.
Make sure that your design document meets the needs of the project and your team by instilling procedures that will help you complete your game on time and on budget.
This article is part two of a series that provides guidelines that, when followed, will ensure that your design documents will be pertinent and to the point.
These templates are based on the documented outlines from Ryan's "The
Anatomy of a Design Document" articles (published on Gamasutra). Used with permission and compiled by Chris "coldacid" Charabaruk
A basic template for a design document, including a description of what belongs in each section. This is more suited to presenting a game idea to a publisher than for an internal design document.
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